"Three times non-canonical" from the UOC (MP). Tomos for Ukraine has radically changed the situation



Recently, I spoke to only one Orthodox priest for a half-joke: it is said that the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) is "twice non-canonical". After all, firstly, he does not have a tomos of the Ecumenical Patriarch. And it's true. In fact, from the mid-fifteenth century until the end of the sixteenth century, the Metropolitan of Moscow was not recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarchs. And only in the late sixteenth century, Moscow (secular!) Managed to achieve the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in his state. This was done through threats, blackmail and corruption. Tomos did not receive this church. Secondly, the current Patriarch of Moscow Cyril (Gundyaev) was consecrated by Filaret (in the world of Denisenko), which this same Russian Orthodox Church subsequently subjected to anathema. That is the question, but is the "canonical" patriarch of Moscow? Of course, the "canonists" of Moscow will find a justification for such an incident. But still …

  The Moscow Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev), left, and head of the UOC (Moscow Patriarchate), Metropolitan Onufriy (Berezovsky). Moscow, February 1, 2015

The Patriarch of Moscow Kirill (Gundiaev), on the left, and head of the Metropolitan UOC (Moscow Patriarchate) Onufriy (Berezovsky). Moscow, February 1, 2015

Now that the Metropolitan of Kyivan has been restored by the Ecumenical Patriarch illegally captured by the Moscow Patriarchate in 1686, and that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (TCU) has already received a tomos, it appears that the branch of the Russian Orthodox Church, which continues to call the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in unity with the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC (MP)), is "three once non-canonical ". After all, its leader, the prime minister of Jericho, Metropolitan Kiev Onufriy, has no right to call Metropolitan Kiev. And in general, the UOC (MP) is not in its canonical territory. That is to say, we have a flagrant disregard for this church of Orthodox canons.

  The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew signs the tomos of autocephaly for the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (ECP). The Metropolitan of Kiev and all of Ukraine, Epiphanius, stands to his left. Istanbul, January 5, 2019

The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew signs the tomos of autocephaly on behalf of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (ECP). The Metropolitan of Kiev and all of Ukraine, Epiphanius, stands to his left. Istanbul, January 5, 2019
  The head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphanius (right) at the moment of receiving from the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew the tomos of autocephaly. Istanbul, January 6, 2019

The head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphanius (right) at the time of receiving from Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew the tomos of autocephaly. Istanbul, January 6, 2019

Will the "Lukashenka Bats" create a representation of Kyiv's Metropolitan in Novogrudok?

The restoration of the Kiev Ecumenical Patriarchate and the creation of the CPU will have other interesting consequences. The fact is that this metropolitan area covered not only the Ukrainian lands but also the lands of present-day Belarus, Lithuania and part of Poland. But if Poland has its own Orthodox church, which the Ecumenical Patriarchate has given to Tomos, it is not Belarus or Lithuania. Here, "heal" the Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow. Does he have the right to do it? How good are the dioceses of Vilna and Lithuania of the Russian Orthodox Church, for example?

Of course, the current president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, is oriented towards Moscow. But he sometimes has conflicts with Russian leaders. Will the "Belarusian tank" negotiating with Moscow for the price of gasoline ever open a (suburban) representation of the Kiev metropolis in the Belarusian city of Novogrudok? Building of the Belarusian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ransk, October 15, 2018 "src =" https://gdb.rferl.org/AA81E40E-191A-443B-8805-531658008327_w250_r0_s.jpg "/ >

Building of the Belarusian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in Minsk, October 15, 2018

In the end, why would the FCC leaders not pay attention to Lithuania that we is favorable? It is not time to declare that this is the canonical territory of Kyivan Metropolitan, not the Moscow Patriarchate. Lithuania has at least one Ukrainian diaspora. Even at one time, there were Ukrainian colonies. Why do Lithuanian Ukrainians go to the temples of the DRC while there is a legitimate (truly canonical) CCP

Paradoxes of Canonicity

But let's not talk about the affairs of the church at our neighbors. We would take care of our problems. Of course, Moscow will do its best to keep the parishes of the UOC (MP) out of the way to the CCP. There are still a lot of resources left. Just look at what information war has been solved around the issue of tomos for Moscow's PCU. Everything happens – speculation on the problems of the formation of the CPU, distortion of the facts, even outright lie. In fact, it has not been easy to establish a CPF. The parish and constituent cathedral of this church was worried on December 15th. But, despite all the difficulties, the CPSU took place and received a tomos. And it is she who has the right to call herself Canonical Church of Ukraine, and not the UOC (MP).

This is an interesting situation. People say: Do not dig in the dungeon, you will fall there. The patriarchate (Parliament) of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow has just "dig a pit" during the independence of Ukraine. It is not necessary to speak of "brotherly love" to the Orthodox Ukraine, which did not want to belong to the branch of the Russian Orthodox Church, but has sought to have his own independent church. What a curse, the anathema fell on the head of the clergy of the UOC (MP). What to say here of "humility and Christian love"!

Meanwhile, the clergy of the UOC (MP) speculated especially on questions of canonicity. He stated that it was only canonical and that the representatives of the other Orthodox churches were not canonical and, therefore, they would not be saved.

The situation is now diametrically opposed. The UOC (MP) has become non-canonical in Ukraine. In the end, it could lose its legal status if it did not change its name – it is now required by the relevant law passed by the Verkhovna Rada.

  Photograph before the wedding, Kiev, July 27, 2013. Patriarch of Moscow Kirill (left), Russian President Vladimir Putin (second from left) and in front of the participants at the Synod of UOC (Moscow Patriarchate ), including Metropolitan Onufriy (second from right)

Photograph before the wedding, Kiev, July 27, 2013. The Muscovite Patriarch Kirill (left), Russian President Vladimir Putin (second from the left) and in front of the participants at the Synod of UOC (Moscow Patriarchate ), including Metropolitan Onuphrius (second right)

However, the leadership of the UOC (MP) must continue, etc. speaks of his "justice" and calls the CCP supporters as separators, practically sowing religious hatred.

And hope that believers who are now going to the temples of the UOC (MP) will understand that this church does not live by orthodox rules. And his direction served Moscow Moscow.

And not so fast, but there is a process of transitioning such believers and even individual priests from the UOC (MP) to the CCP. It is hoped that this process will continue. And the provision of the tomos of the CPU only intensifies it.

Peter Kraluk – Vice Rector of the Academy of Ostroh

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  Drawing by the artist Alexei Kustovsky

Drawing of the artist Alexei Kustovsky

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  The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew with packages of chocolates from the Roshen factory. During a meeting with children, he jokingly said that he had taken the Ukrainian president for autocephaly, not money, but sweets and chocolates. He explained that Poroshenko has a chocolate factory and, like US President Donald Trump, is an entrepreneur.

Ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew with packets of chocolates from Roshen's factory. During a meeting with children, he jokingly said that he had taken the Ukrainian president for autocephaly, not money, but sweets and chocolates. He explained that Poroshenko has a chocolate factory and, like US President Donald Trump, is an entrepreneur. "Although the Russian church accuses me of taking money for this autocephalous, I did not take money, but a lot of candies and chocolates from there. Plant, Poroshenko, "said Patriarch Bartholomew. After that, he distributed candies to the children who had come to charm in the residence of the patriarch. Istanbul, December 24, 2018
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