The actor has died films "Scared Psi" and "Criminal Chity" – The news on UNN


KYIV. January 8, UNN The American actor Robert Ruth, who is familiar with the movies "Scared Psi" and "Criminal Fiction", died at the age of 83 years of his life in the American city of Torrance , in California. That's what The Hollywood Reporter reported Tuesday night, referring to the son of the actor, Monty, UNN .

Robert died as a result of a complication after suffering from pneumonia on December 29th. The actor left three children and two grandchildren.

Born in 1936, Robert Ruth grew up in the south of Chicago. During the Korean War (1950-1953), Ruth was a fugitive specialist. During his film career, the actor is distinguished by works from the series Mission Impossible (1966-1973) and The Magician (1973-1974), as well as in The Scared Pins (1991), "Criminal Reading" (1994) and "Stop me if you can" (2002).

Remember that at the age of 86, the British actor William Morgan Sheppard had passed away. He was known for the roles of the "Doctor Who" and "Star Trek" series.

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