UOC-KP in Crimea before occupation was a thug – Dzhemilev – The news of UNN


KYIV. January 8th UNN. The Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Dzhemilev spoke about the situation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate (UOC-KP) on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula until its occupation by the Russia in 2014. This is reported by UNN with reference to an interview for the publication of Crimea.Realii.

"As long as the occupation will continue, the persecution of the Ukrainian church will continue." Even with independent Ukraine, even before the occupation, the UOC-KP was in a state of exclusion Metropolitan Lazar (metropolitan of Simferopol and deputy of the UOC Crimea – ed.) called it a "heretical" church and, when 39 an association was created with the participation of all the denominations, it categorically refused to receive the UOC-KP, then, according to the decision of the Mejlis, the Muftiyat of Crimea did not enter no In this structure today, the Russian Orthodox Church can no longer refer to the "non-canonicity" of the CCP, but it will create obstacles in its activities, "said the Crimean Tatar leader .

In particular, Dzhemilev added that as long as the occupation of the peninsula would continue, the persecution of the Ukrainian church would continue. 19659003] ALSO READ: Tomos from the autoclave of the PCU will return to Istanbul

In turn, the priest of the Orthodox Church d & # 39; Ukraine (PCU), Skoryh (Skory) on the current situation of the CPU in Crimea.

"Zar As we can worship not only in the internal ecclesiastical space of Ukraine, we also have access to the Orthodox world (…) Now, the Russian Orthodox Church does not can no longer refer to the "non-canonical" CCP, but it will create obstacles in its activity, "said Skorokhod.

As reported UNN the signing of Tomos by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew took place on January 5th.

Tomos was driven to Ukraine the next day January 6, 19659003, in the Cathedral of St. Sophia. with the participation of P. Resident in Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko and his Metropolitan Bliss Kiev and all the epiphany of Ukraine, to which the original Tomas was brought to Sophia from Kiev.

In addition, according to the results of the Council of Unity in Kiev, under the chairmanship of the representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the local Orthodox Orthodox Church of Ukraine was created and the charter of the new church was approved.

The Council of Unity elected the first president of the only local PA Metropolitan Epiphany.

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