Seth Meyers: Trump is like a pizzeria manager Stoner who forgot to open his doors


President Donald Trump is not only "incompetent," "bothered" and "unable to formulate a truthful or consistent thought about just about everything," he's like a stoner pizzeria manager who forgot to Open the door and open the Seth Meyers said Monday: "Late Night With Seth Meyers".

Meyers was particularly amazed by what he called "Dr. The story "of the fragmented vision of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Trump claimed that the Soviets had to invade because Afghan terrorists were attacking them.

"They were right to be there," Trump said.

But, in its version, when the war ruined the Soviet Union, she became Russia.

"Look, sometimes you get involved in something that goes so bad that you have to change your name," Meyers said. "For example, you take a job as Donald J. Trump and you leave him as a prisoner 567891."

Look at the clip above to see Trump's driving directions for coyotes. , e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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