Memo: Absent Paychecks Can Put Trump in Trouble


It is now almost certain that the partial closure of the government will deprive federal government employees of at least one pay check, a move that will increase political stakes more than ever.

Even some people generally support President Trump. Donald John TrumpCuomo: Kavanaugh and Gorsuch will "reverse the trend Roe v. Wade. " Trump will address the nation Tuesday night while the border will be closed at the border with Malala Yousafzai: "This does not reflect the values ​​of America" ​​PLUS [19659004] worry about potential consequences .

"He will have made his point of view to his supporters, and there will be problems as he goes further than that," said a GOP strategist with links to the White House. "Real people really suffer, and these stories can become overwhelming."

Many federal employees would normally receive a salary this Friday, January 11th. But the Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney John (Mick) Michael MulvaneyThe Hill Report Morning – Negotiations Collapse at the Closing of Day 17. Trump: "No Haste "to appoint permanent substitutes for Acting Cabinet members Schiff: Trump can not criticize the language after turning my name into a layman PLUS said Sunday on the" Meet the Press "channel of NBC that these controls would not be issued unless a resolution was found at the close of the month of midnight Tuesday.

Such a quick resolution seems impossible. Discussions over the weekend between Democratic staff members and senior administration officials, including Vice President Pence, resulted in nothing.

The president scheduled a televised keynote address on Tuesday evening and plans to travel to the southern border on Thursday. Both events seem designed to reinforce grassroots support for a prolonged stop.

The dispute is at the heart of the controversy: it claims billions of dollars for the construction of the border wall promised during its 2016 campaign, and the Democrats insist not to give it to him.

President Nancy Pelosi Patricia Nancy D'Alesandro PelosiTrump will address the nation Tuesday night at the border closure, Malala Yousafzai, on the border wall of Trump: "This does not want to reflect the values ​​of America's Trump to give an address to prime time and get to the border in a stop fight, MORE (D- Calif.) Described the wall concept as "immorality" last week.

The question now is whether the damaging effects of the closure, including the pay checks likely missed on Friday, will change the political calculation

The Office of Personnel Management has already published a model letter on its website for federal employees wishing to work in the country.

At a long press conference in Rose Garden Friday, Trump told the press q he would "encourage" the owners to be paid again. easy "with employees who were struggling to pay their rent.

On Sunday, the president claimed that he could" have contacts "with federal workers facing a loss of income due to the closure, adding that he was "sure that the front desk will do the tuning. They always do it.

Trump insisted that federal employees are willing to bear some suffering during the partial closure – which affects about 800,000 public servants – because they agree with him on the issue. Imperative need to fortify the border.

He provided no concrete evidence to support this assertion, which is vigorously contested by unions representing federal employees.

Government employees opposed to Trump's position make their voices heard. The National Federation of Federal Employees plans to hold a rally and march Thursday at the White House to call for an end to the closure.

Liberation of the President of the American Federation of Government Employees, J. David Cox Sr. A statement on Monday that said in part: "The women and men who run our country deserve to receive their pay on pay day. It is unreasonable that starting this week, those who have worked tirelessly in our airports and our federal prisons – among many other workplaces and offices – will go home empty-handed. "

Democratic strategists say their party holds the upper hand, and the political costs for Trump will continue to increase over time.

"Trump probably does not understand that, but most of these federal employees are not in Washington, they are all over the country – they have friends, they have neighbors," Democratic strategist Robert Shrum told reporters. The Hill. "The wall itself is very unpopular, so it basically does it for an idea that the country does not like."

In two polls conducted in December by Quinnipiac University and CNN / SRS, a clear majority of respondents opposed the construction of a wall on the southern border – 54 to 43% in the first case, and 57 to 38% in the last.

GOP solidarity experienced some flaws in closure Three Republican Senators – Sens. Cory Gardner Cory Scott Gardner: Morning Morning – Negotiations collapse on the eve of the closing of the 17th day 19659004] (Colo.), Susan Collins [19659027] Susan Margaret Collins: Hill Report 12:30 – The Stop Comes In The 17th Day | Trump to visit the border | Ginsburg misses its audience | Warren raises issues for 2020 Dems The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Negotiations collapse on the eve of the 17th day of closure This week: the closure is approaching a record, no agreement n? is in sight. TillisThe Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Negotiations collapse on the eve of the closing of the 17th day. GOP in the Senate: Senate demands must be clearer. Senate votes to overturn the IRS guidelines limiting the disclosure of donor information MORE – (NC) – have all expressed doubts. Gardner bluntly called for the reopening of the government.

The government sought to demonstrate that it understood the concerns of people who are suffering the consequences of the closure, which affects about a quarter of the federal government.

Russell Vought, acting chief of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), said Monday that the administration was trying to make the closure "as painless as possible, according to law."

Vought also confirmed that the refund tax would be sent despite the closure, a question about which there was previously uncertainty.

Conservative commentators who support the wall insist that the political dangers for Trump are overestimated.

They warn that breaking his promise to build. the wall would have more serious political consequences. Many draw parallels with former President George HW Bush, who had promised to "read on the lips: no new taxes" during the election campaign, just to raise taxes during the term – and lose his candidacy for a second term.

Steve Deace, a conservative radio host based in Iowa, said Trump needed to keep his message simple. Trump, he said, should simply state that "one of the main reasons I was elected is my promise to secure the border, and that's what we're going to do . "

Deace stated that the consequences of its decision, which would undermine the basis of the issue of national sovereignty, would be far more serious than any political disadvantage in terms of the plight of federal workers.

"Anyway, almost none of these people vote for Republicans," insisted Mr. Deace.

President Strives In his fight against British television and his visit to the border, the GOP strategist who has close ties with the White House has suggested that it may not be enough to Trump for it to triumph while closing is more brutal.

"He's trying to make headlines daily, addressing what appears to be the longest stop in American history," said this source. "But once these stories of people getting expelled from the US, Low income housing or that people will no longer be able to pay their rent, it will put him under pressure to reach an agreement. "

The memo is a chronic reported by Niall Stanage, mainly Donald Trump's presidency.

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