Photo: The Hubble telescope has a detailed snapshot of the triangle galaxy


The Hubble Space Telescope took the most detailed picture of the near-neighbor of the Milky Way, the Triangle galaxy, a spiral galaxy located 3 million light years from Earth.

The photo was published on the website of the Observatory

. 54 photographs taken with Hubble. You can see the central region of the galaxy and the inner parts of the spiral arms, which contain between 10 and 15 million individual stars.

This galaxy is the third largest object of the local group and the farthest one that we can see. an unarmed eye in favorable conditions as a fuzzy object in the constellation of the triangle. At the same time, it is the smallest spiral galaxy. Its diameter is only 60,000 light-years. For example, the Andromeda Galaxy has a diameter of 200,000 light-years and the Milky Way 100,000.

The Hubble Telescope was launched on April 24, 1990 by the crew of Discovery's multipurpose vessel and was Since then donated millions of

In 2018, scientists using the Hubble telescope were able to observe the galaxy NGC 5033 with their own parameters similar to ours.

A photo of the brightest comet of the year, also made by a telescope, was published

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