The valve largely blocks Steam accounts


Today, Valve reports that it is blocking Steam user accounts in bulk, but this is due to the fact that the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive video game has become free. Players still like to use tricks, but then need to create a new account in the service and, more importantly, buy a license for money. Now everything is much easier: if the security system "burns" the use of cheating, the user can create a new account and use it.

In the last month, the perpetual lock was imposed on more than 600,000 accounts. If the player suddenly uses the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tips, or in another video game, it is blocked by the entire account to which all games are linked. It is allowed to use cheat codes only in mode one, but only some of them can be used there. Never before had Valve blocked so many accounts for such a short period.

All of this happened because CS: GO became a free software. The cheat system called VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) automatically detects those who use different cheat codes by superiority over other players, then blocks their accounts. Sometimes a lock is only given a few days or months, and sometimes forever. It is possible that, as part of this situation, the developers take measures, for example, to strengthen the video game security system so that its cheats stop working, at least for most players.

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