The Shakhtar a step away from the midfielder's signature of Israel's national team


Manor Solomon will become Shakhtar player

The young Israeli midfielder "Maccabi of Petah Tikva", Manor Solomon will continue his career in Ukraine. A 19-year-old will soon become a Shakhtar footballer, says the Israeli edition of sport1.maariv

Fonseca has confirmed the signing of Marco Shakhtar by Marco Antonio and informed another potential newcomer

in Ukraine for a medical examination. Minors should buy 85% of Manor's rights. For the shuttle, Donetsk will pay about 6 million euros.

In the summer, Manor was seriously interested in "Benfica". The Portuguese offered 5 million euros to "Maccabi", but they were refused.

ALSO READ: Fonseca m said for which club will leave the Shakhtar

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