"It's a humanitarian crisis": Trump first turned to the Americans across the wall at the border with Mexico (video)


Donald Trump pointed out that at the Democrats' request, a steel fence would be built at the border and not a concrete wall.

  Trump explained to Americans the need to build a wall on the border with Mexico / photo of UNIAN [1945)"TrumpexplainedtoAmericanstheneedtobuildawallontheborderwithMexico/UNIANphoto

The US President Donald Trump spoke for the first time under his leadership of the country Voice of America, writes the Oval Office to the inhabitants of the country.

The representation has broadcast all major American television channels in the hours

In his speech, the head of state tried to persuade US residents to adopt his plan of action to strengthen security at the border with Mexico [19659004] Trump stated that this was the result of illegal immigration suffered by all residents of the United States.He called the southern border of the country with the Mexican "sieve", through which the drug and criminals enter daily.

Due to drug overdose, according to the president, 300 Americans a week. "It's a humanitarian crisis," said the president. He added that illegal immigrants often use minors as an instrument of penetration into the country. According to Trump, gangs use children as pawns and children are the main victims of illegal immigration.

As the president said, he took "the firm decision" to put an end to this humanitarian crisis. The Trump administration has presented Congress with a detailed plan detailing the solution to this problem. "These resources are needed to ensure the security of the entire country," Trump said.

He outlined the main points of his program: The White House asked legislators to allocate funds for the recruitment of new border guards, security officers and immigration judges, for construction of new centers Temporary maintenance of perpetrators of border violations.

See also Trump named the benefits of a steel wall placed in front of concrete on the Mexican border

Trump pointed out that, at the Democrats' request, the border will be built steel fence, no concrete wall. He assured that the construction of the barrier would bear fruit very quickly: the United States would have had much less drugs, against which billions of dollars are now spent.

Trump said that Democratic Senator Chuck Sumer had repeatedly advocated the creation at the border Mexico is a physical barrier. The Democrats, however, immediately changed positions as soon as Trump had the idea to build a wall.

"Democrats in Congress refuse to acknowledge the existence of a crisis … The subsidence continues for one reason: Democrats refuse to fund security at the border," he said President. 19659004] Trump adds that he invited leaders of both parties to Congress for a meeting at the White House on Jan. 9. He expressed the hope that lawmakers will be able to overcome "differences between parties" to overcome the crisis.

Video: The White House

Immediately following the Speaker's speech, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Minority Senate Chuck Sumer. They both urged the president to immediately resume all the work of the government and not to make the American people hostage to Trump's short-sighted policy. Nancy Pelosi said the Democrats were pushing for stronger border security and that they were ready to allocate budget funds to specific needs. However, the US taxpayer, according to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, "will not pay for the road and the ineffective wall". She added that it was necessary to fight crime, but according to Pelosi, "women and children do not pose a humanitarian threat to the security of the United States."

Chuck Summer emphasized the need to separate funding for border security from the closure of the government. . According to him, it is necessary to stop the castle and then, on a bipartisan basis, discuss the issue of border security.

"The symbol of America should be the statue of liberty, not the wall at the border," summed up Senator Sumer.

Video: CNN

Recall that the dispute between Republicans and Democrats over the financing of the presidential initiative led to the partial closure of the government, which lasted 18 days.

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