Doug Schoen: Trump, Pelosi and Schumer – We Need Compromises, No Political Postures


President Trump pleaded Tuesday evening before the American people in a speech to an oval office for funding a wall along the US-Mexico border to protect our country and put an end to the partial closure of the United States. government currently underway.

Congressional Democrats – Speaker of the Parliament Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York – followed a few minutes later with the same argument in their own televised statements, stating that A wall was not necessary.

President and Congressional Democrats Remain The Third Week of the Longest Closure of the Government in the History of the United States, the Largest Closure by the US Government in the Field of Security Caused a stalemate on the president's request to build more than 5 billion US dollars.


President Trump described the situation on the southern border as a crisis of both "humanitarian" and "national security" crisis . He added: "The federal government remains closed for one reason, and only one, because the Democrats will not fund border security … the only solution is for the Democrats to pass a spending bill that protects our border and reopens the government." 19659003] Clearly, Trump avoids the fact that on his first day under the control of the House last week, the new Democratic majority actually passed a spending bill increasing border security and reopening the government.

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The President continued in his speech to the nation: "Let's hope we can all go beyond partisan politics to support national security. "

Ultimately, the time has come to make compromises and not to take political positions.For the good of the nation and its presidency, the president must give up his firm demand of more than 5 billion dollars of funding at the border and should be ready to reach an agreement with the Democrats.

A bipartite solution could be envisaged.

Throughout 2017, Schumer was working on an agreement to provide to the United States. Trump administration funding a border wall in exchange for protection against the expulsion of DACA recipients – some 700,000 youth brought to the United States in violation of our immigration laws.then made sense, and he is doing it now.

The need for a compromise is clear and it is up to President Trump and the congressional Democrats to set aside partisanship and reach an agreement for the good of the nation.

] In his own response to the president on Tuesday night, Schumer said, "There is bipartisan legislation, backed by Democrats and Republicans, that aims to reopen the government while allowing the debate on border security to continue. . "

Pelosi and Schumer were able to use their remarks as an opportunity to show America that Democrats are eager and capable of being the ruling party that promotes effective alternatives to the Trump administration .

This does not help the cause of the president negotiating with the Democrats that the data and the so-called facts The uses of the administration to defend the wall of the borders are often debatable, even inaccurate.

Sunday, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders defended Chris Wallace of Fox News to ask questions about the congratulatory agenda

"Nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists are entering our country illegally and we know that our most vulnerable entry point is at our southern border, "said Sanders. Frequently cited statistic of the Trump administration.

"I know this statistic," Wallace said, "I did not know if you were going to use it, so I studied the question. Do you know where these 4,000 people … where are they captured? Airports. "

Indeed, the US Customs and Border Protection data reported to Congress in 2018 indicate that CBP met only six immigrants at the points of entry located at the border. US-Mexico border during the first half of fiscal year 2018, which were known or not. suspected terrorists.

However, we can not forget that immigration reform is a legitimate and worrying issue that needs to be addressed by lawmakers. And this can only be done by bipartite legislation.

The need for a compromise is clear, and it is up to President Trump and the congressional Democrats to set aside partisanship and reach an agreement for the good of the nation.

and the Republicans only weaken the country by closing the government over the wall.

It is illogical that the Democrats give up a valid proposal to protect our country. A compromise is possible and I urge Republicans and Democrats to reach a consensus and fund the wall as a compromise for the protection of DACA beneficiaries.


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