In the United States tested hypersonic shells – new weapons. latest news on military weapons


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Initially, hypersonic projectiles were created for use in electromagnetic firearms. .net / photos / 2019_01 / 1547018863-8212.jpg? 0.9665934385127559 "title =" USS Dewey USS Death, US Navy / photo "/>

USS Dewey US Navy / photo @N06

In the summer of 2018, the United States, as part of RIMPAC exercises (Rim Of The Pacific), have made about twenty hypersonic projectile test launches of the destroyer of the USS Dewey squadron.

The launch was made to the standard 1

Read also National interest: Russia could climb one side of its championship when creating hypersonic missiles

These tests were called "to prove that the Navy could transform bridge equipment over the age of 40 in an effective and inexpensive weapon against cruise missiles and large unmanned aerial vehicles. "

It was noted that at the beginning, hypersonic projectiles had been created for use in elec Tromagnetic 19659005

Earlier, UNIAN reported that the US Navy was developing a hypersonic projectile and an accelerator for the use of missile systems. him. They will be equipped with submarines and ships.

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