Satellite TESS opens the third planet – ZIK.UA news


Wednesday, 9 January 2019, 18:11


The TESS satellite opens the third planet

The TESS satellite, launched in space last April, opened the third small planet out of the solar system – HD 21749b. It revolves around a brilliant and neighboring dwarf, located in a constellation of grids about 53 light-years from Earth.

This is reported by

HD 21749b has the longest rotation time among the planets opened by TESS – a complete rotation around its stars in 36 days. The previously discovered Pi Mensae b and LHS 3844b lies around their stars for 6.3 days and 11 hours respectively.

According to the publication, the temperature of the open planet is about 150 degrees Celsius, which is quite cool, given the relatively small distance of the star,

"This is the small the coldest planet in the world, so close to such a bright star.The HD 21749b is three times larger than the Earth and, interestingly, its mass is 23 times larger than the mass of our planet. It's unlikely to be a rocky planet, it's a fairly dense gas, and we think it looks like Neptune or Uranus, which are mostly hydrogen and very rare. same time a dense atmosphere, "said a scientist from the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Research. Kavli Diana Dragomer.

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission is to search for planets of similar size to the Earth. The satellite will explore 13 fragments of the sky, in which there are 200,000 stars. He looks for a star whose brightness changes, which may indicate that there is a planet between the companion and the star. Every 27 days, the satellite focuses its attention on another area of ​​the starry sky.

Remember that physicists have advanced a new theory for the creation of the universe.

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