Russia occupied the territory of Syria, which left the United States and its allies


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In Moscow, they quickly boasted of "captured" territories.

  Russia occupied the Syrian territory, which left the United States / Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russia occupies the territory left by the United States in Syria / the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The latter decided that Newsweek

At the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, President Donald Trump announced the decision to withdraw his soldiers from Syria to the Government of the Russian Federation. He then released a video showing how the Russian military police cars in the streets of the outskirts of Manbijk, located in the northeast of Aleppo province. Since the beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2011, various forces have taken Manbidge under its control. Until recently, he remained at the forefront of three competing military campaigns in Syria.

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However, the Syrian democratic forces have surrendered positions of the Bashar al-Assad regime's forces, supported by Russia and Iran. Opponents have decided to do so because of the outbreak of an attack by the Turkish army after the withdrawal of 2,000 US troops by the United States of Syria

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