The Coast Guard takes a sheet of advice suggesting that employees on leave take a garage sale, a babysitting


The Washington Post reported that the tip sheet "Managing Your Finances During a Leave" was posted on the Coast Guard Employee Support Program website, called CG SUPRT. According to the Post, after the newspaper asked for information on the advice sheet, the coastguard removed the document late Wednesday morning.

Coast Guard spokesman, Lieutenant-Colonel cdrd. Scott McBride confirmed that the page has been removed.

"The information in this document does not reflect the Coast Guard's ongoing efforts to support its workforce over the past period," he told CNN in a statement. "As such, it has been removed from the CG support website."

According to the Post, a five-page tip sheet encouraged laid-off employees to "get creative" and offered them ideas to increase their incomes, such as "having a garage sale – cleaning your attic, your sub-floor. floor and your closets at the same time "and" turn your hobby into income ".

Selling items online, babysitting, walking pets, giving private lessons and becoming a "mystery shopper" were all suggested ways to help employees cope with what is now the second longest Government shutdown of modern political history. The government's decision was at its 19th day on Wednesday and its end was not imminent. President Donald Trump left Wednesday a meeting with Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and said that talks with congressional Democrats were "a waste of time Total ".

The Post reported that the advisory sheet had been applied to the 8,500 civilian Coast Guard personnel. About 6,400 employees are on indefinite leave, the Post says, and 2,100 are essential employees working without pay. These employees were last paid for the two-week period ending December 22, according to La Poste.

"Yes, your credit score could suffer," reads the document, but it encourages employees to "keep things in perspective." The tip sheet states that in times of financial crisis, credit score "becomes secondary to meet the basic needs of your family."

"Bankruptcy is a last option," reads the document.

CNN's Zachary Cohen contributed to this report.

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