Xiaomi promises today to announce something with the new Redmi


On the official page of Xiaomi, on the social network Weibo, appeared an intriguing statement on the announcement tomorrow of the new flagship product of the brand Redmi.

In a brief statement, it is announced that not only will the new Redmi smartphone be announced tomorrow, "Little King Kong."

We were already wondering if Xiaomi had been calling for a few days a single smartphone, which some sources call Redmi Note 7, while others think that it will be named Redmi H.

Sources believe that the second ad is blocked recently signed a partnership agreement between Xiaomi and TikTok. terms, it is not another device, but some services that will start in the new smartphone.

Yesterday, the CEO of Xiaomi said that the new smartphone Redmi would receive a "different" 48 megapixel camera, the Super Night Scene mode, which will allow high quality night shots and the NFC module

In any case, the wait is not very long. (d, s, id) {
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