The sun will become a crystalline white dwarf in 10 billion years – Astronomers – Channel 5


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Medium-sized stars, like the Sun, complete their evolution in the form of gray, dense and extinct white dwarfs. UNIAN

It is reported that the density of such celestial bodies exceeds millions of times the density of ordinary stars. This is stated in an article by Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay and his colleagues at the University of Warwick, published in the journal Nature.

Scientists have been looking at the hypothesis of a continuous decrease in temperature after stopping fusion reactions in a dense nucleus. white dwarfs can crystallize carbon atoms and oxygen. The process takes place with the release of energy and is able to heat the old star, thus slowing down aging

It should be noted that astronomers have observed more than 15,000 white dwarfs spotted by the telescope Gaia at a distance of up to 300 light-years from the Sun. Based on the color and brightness of the stars, the authors determined their temperature and age, and compared their distribution to the predictions of the theoretical models.

The study concludes that the excess of relatively young white dwarfs – according to astronomers, has slowed down all aging stars. 2 billion years old. They nourish their crystallization energy. The nuclei of white dwarfs contain mostly carbon, oxygen and other metals.

Scientists are convinced that, under the influence of strong pressures, their atoms lose external electrons and compress themselves into an extremely dense, positively charged fluid. As soon as the temperature in the core of such a star decreases to a certain level (about 10 million ° C), the liquid begins to crystallize.

"All white dwarves crystallize at a certain stage of their evolution, which means that billions of white dwarves in our galaxy have already completed this process, and almost completely transformed into crystalline spheres, the Sun itself will become a crystalline white dwarf within 10 billion years, "said Pierre-Emmanuel Tremblay,

. Recalling that had already discovered the "super-Earth", which is twice the size of our planet Earth.

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