in "Naftogaz" spoke of blackmail from the RF


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Gazprom launches a "violation of balance in relations with Ukraine".

  The gas transit contract between Naftogaz and Gazprom is completed this year / photo

The gas transit contract between Naftogaz and Gazprom is completed this year / photo

Russia asks to the Ukrainian side to give up victory in international arbitration The executive director of Naftogaz Ukrainy, Yuri Vitrenko, said on January 10

that he recalled that the gas transit contract between "Gazprom" and "Gazprom", in exchange for the extension of gas transit contracts through Ukraine

Naftogaz and Gazprom will end this year and tripartite talks at the political level will take place on 21 January.

"Gazprom now officially declares that the arbitration decisions have" broken the balance of relations. "That is, the Ukrainian side has to give up the victory in arbitration," wrote Vitrenko.

See also In "Naftogaz", the condition for the renunciation of a new trial against Gazprom

Russia wishes that the payment by Ukraine for the transit only represents that a relatively modest discount on Russian payments for Russian gas. "In other words, Ukraine must pay Russia six times the price of gas that it does not receive for transit.The money must go from Ukraine to Russia, and not the other way around, is a "balance of relations" acceptable to Russia, which she wants to restore, "said the official.

He pointed out that the victory of an international court had allowed Ukraine to save $ 77 billion over the 2012-2018 period.

"Without an arbitration contract for the supply of gas and a transit contract for today, we would have paid Gazprom more than $ 73 billion for the bonds" to take or pay " for the period 2012-2018 and about $ 4 billion for gas delivered to the years 2014-2015.We should buy gas at Gazprom at a price higher than that of Europe, "explained Vitrenko.

According to one official, contracts terminated under international arbitration provided that Russia would receive $ 12 billion a year. for the gas, that would pay the transit.

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