The presence of dozens of Ukrainians at the inauguration of Trump interested in the special prosecutor Muller – Media – The World


Sergei Kivalov is one of the Ukrainians who went to the Ball of Liberty in Washington.

The presence of Ukrainian politicians and businessmen at the inauguration of US President Donald Trump was interested in the special prosecutor Robert Müller, who explores the # 39; influence of Russia on the 2016 US elections.

The New York Times speaks

For example, Sergei Kivalov, a Ukrainian legislator known for his pro-Russian initiatives, filmed the first dance of the president Trump and the first lady, and then released information about it is on Facebook.

"It will be in one of at least ten politicians and Ukrainian businessmen who went to Washington to be inaugurated, some of whom were present at Bali Liberty," the newspaper writes. [19659006] Read also:
A scandal around Flynn. What treaty did Russia offer around Trump, and here in Ukraine?

They attended meetings and held discussions at the Trump International Hotel with influential Republicans of Congress and close friends of President Trump.

"By presenting a number of points of view, including the contingent regarded as sympathetic to Moscow, they position themselves as intermediaries, which could help to solve one of the most difficult foreign policy problems in the world. the new government is confronted – "an ugly military stalemate between Russia and Ukraine", as well as severe sanctions against Moscow after the Crimea seizure ", – read in the publication.

The transition of power to Washington attracted leaders and business leaders from around the world who were seeking to enter a new administration. Evidence of the presence of Ukrainians eventually aroused the interest of Robert Muller's special advocate when he investigated Russia's interference in the election This has prompted a number of relevant requests from federal prosecutors.

Video Special Attorney Robert Muller has threatened to call the President of the United States in court

This will happen if he refuses to testify. The Washington Post talks about it. A list of half a hundred questions relating to Trump's links with Moscow has already been sent to the president's attorneys. A special investigation on the links of the Russian trumpet lasts more than a year. Investigators suspect that Moscow intervened in the 2016 presidential election.

  Special prosecutor Robert Müller threatened to call the US president in court

As stated the blessing, Ukrainians came to Washington spread "peaceful" plans in the interest of Russia. including abolishing sanctions.

Such an agreement would not only give the new administration additional flexibility to bring Moscow to US diplomatic efforts in the Middle East, but could also make life easier for some Ukrainians.

As part of the investigation, federal prosecutors asked the witnesses how some Ukrainians had access to the inaugural events they had met during their stay in the United States and what they were talking about, including questions on various proposals for a "peaceful" plan.

Prosecutors also question whether foreigners from Ukraine and other countries are using funds to conceal donations to the inaugural committee. Because federal law forbids foreigners from participating in the inaugural committee, although they can attend events if Americans buy tickets.

In the past month, prosecutors have questioned witnesses about illegal lobbying associated with Ukraine.

Recall earlier American advisers have been guilty of charges, including the payment of $ 50,000 of money by an unknown stranger, which corresponds to the description of L & Ukrainian oligarch Sergey Levochkin (he was present at the ball of freedom according to the guests – to buy tickets for the exclusive inauguration events of Trump for the oligarch and for someone else. one described as "another Ukrainian".

Some Ukrainians who arrived in Washington at the inauguration declared that prosecutors had asked a broad circle

"The FBI and Muller m & # 39; questioned twice, "said Andriy Artemenko, came for the investiture of the Ukrainian Parliament with the offer of peace which was later criticized for its pro-Russian character .

Times reports that in Ukraine, a parliamentarian, a link t President Petro Poroshenko accused his rivals of paying 200 thousand dollars for the inaugural tickets.

Kivalov, who posted photos of the presidential couple dance did not respond to requests for comment on how he got the tickets. The Ukrainian legislator Borislav Bereza, who published a photo of him in a tuxedo at the ball, said he had received his tickets for free from someone and added that he did not remember it. not for sure.

Still on Capitol Hill, the investigators of the Committee study the activities of Michael Flynn Trump's first national security adviser, who plays a central role in the quest for new relations with the United States. Russian President Vladimir Putin. Flinne had no influence over the talks on the peace plan for Ukraine, but congressional investigators sought to know whether he or his former trading partners could have benefited financially if the sanctions against Russia was up, "writes the newspaper.

Note, the US Department of Justice had previously asked the Muller team to study the links between pro-Russian Ukrainians and Manaforth in order to determine They could be involved in a possible plot of Russia with the Trump campaign.

Reminder in February In 2017, Paul Manaforth's colleague, Konstantin Kilimnik, said that he had informed Manawor in detail events in Ukraine during the race for the presidency of the United States.In the course of their conversation, they also discussed the "peace plan to resolve the conflict in the Donbass."

L & # 39; anci In Donald Trump's counsel, Paul Manafort pleaded guilty to two charges brought by the special prosecutor Robert Muller, who is investigating the interference in the US elections. He pleaded guilty to one of the charges against a conspiracy against the United States and another conspiracy to prevent justice. In addition, he agreed to cooperate with the US Department of Justice to investigate Russia's interference in the US elections.

It has also been reported in the media that Manaforth defended Putin's interests in the United States. This is due in particular to the famous Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. At the same time, the last refutes these allegations and almost obscene comments on the link with Manafort.

Mueller declared that Paul Mananafort had earned $ 60 million for the work of a political consultant in Ukraine (officially – $ 14 million). The prosecution also claims that Manaforth owned more than three dozen accounts on which money received in Ukraine was kept. Manaforth's lawyer, Thomas Zehnle, said the US political technologist was receiving unregistered income as it was a condition of his Ukrainian trading partners .

Video Levochkin and Akhmetov reportedly received the sociology of Manaforth during US elections – CNN

CNN television announced that Ukrainian MP Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat businessman Akhmetov reportedly received sociological evidence from Paul Manaforth during the US elections. I recall that Manaforth ran Donald Trump's election headquarters and is currently the defendant.

  Levoshkin and Akhmetov allegedly received Manaforth's sociology in US elections - CNN


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