Trump calls the "devils" of the media while he's pushing his own narrative to stop


Yesterday, President Trump opposed an even larger number of media, which he considers unjust.

Trump had come out of a Capitol meeting with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, persuaded that they would not do it. Try to talk about the closure of the government, which is now approaching its fourth week. The leader of the Senate minority said Trump had slammed the table and that the House speaker publicly called him "petulant president of the United States." So it was not a draft media, it was a recorded report.

"I did not hammer the table, I did not raise my voice.It was a lie," Trump told the press. He added, "I do not have tantrums, really do not, but it plays on a narrative, but it's a lie."

In saying that history plays on a narrative, the president recognized that his public image is very different from the way he sees himself – and, not shocking, blaming the press. It's usually journalists who talk about stories, but Trump, of course, is the chief spokesperson for the media.

In the long run, whether or not he hammered the table is unimportant. Trump clearly made a hasty outing of the meeting, for, on his own, he said "bye-bye" and came out after Pelosi told him that the Democrats would not fund his border wall even though he did not agree. he reopened the government.


Every white house tries to sell a story to the public, which often runs into a media portrait. But since Nixon, there has not been a battle so virulent and fierce on which the picture is closer to the truth.

In this information, Trump stated that "the news reported wrongly" the incident. He said that he had asked Pelosi if they were talking within 30 days, after the reopening of the government, "are you going to give us a great border security, which includes a steel wall or fence?" , and she replied in the negative:

give them Pinocchios "- delivered by the Washington Post's fact-finder – because Mike Pence and Kevin McCarthy back up his minutes of the meeting, said Trump. said the press would stick to "what you reported anyway because you are false news."

The president was on drier ground when he reprimanded the press for reporting statements he had made dozens and dozens of times. [19659003] "I know that false information like to say it," said Trump, "during the campaign, I would say that Mexico is going to pay for it. Obviously, I never said that and I never meant that they are going to write a check I said that they were going to pay for it. "

He flatly made that promise, leaving the impression that the Mexican government would assume one way or another the responsibility for the wall of the border." I have always thought that he would have an accounting explanation if the wall was built. "And Trump said the Mexicans are paying for the wall thanks to" the incredible deal that we concluded "on the trade, which replaced the wallet. NAFTA: Of course, the government remains partly because of a conflict of more than 5.7 billion US dollars.

THE SPEECH THAT THE TRUMPLE WAS NOT REALLY WANT TO GIVE [19659003] The President also tweeted about the leak of The New York Times, which I reported yesterday, had stated that he did not wish to deliver the Oval Office speech, but that his team of communications had spoken about it.

"An OFF THE RECORD lunch, a tradition or custom of the Ma White ison, connecting the anchors to the network yesterday – and they quickly unveiled the content of the meeting. Who would believe how much the traditional media, which became completely crazy, are dissatisfied! "

the few insults he did not launch against the media.

But someone in this room betrayed him by violating the rules of the game.

And here is what was happening:

"Never been more dishonest than today: NBC and MSNBC go crazy. stories, on purpose, the exact opposite of the facts. They are really the opposition party working with the Dems. Maybe even worse than CNN's Fake News, if that's possible! "


The President confuses, as usual, many things with his attacks and

He defends himself when he has a different version of a meeting in camera or when an unofficial agreement is broken: pretty good, but he also accuses the media of dishonesty for reminding everyone of his campaign vow that "Mexico will pay for that. "And he casts insults – bonkers, lunatics, opposition parties – who are not always tied to a specific complaint.

The president and the press remain attached to their stories, which are all too often diametrically opposed

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