Oscar without host: the organizers of the ceremony asked for help from the Avengers' team


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The Avengers actors were called to lead the Oscar after a scandal with the presenter.

  Only the Avengers will save Oscar / screen capture "src =" https://images.unian.net/photos/2019_01/1547213967-5060.jpg?0.7722757865133574 "title =" Only the Avengers will save Oscar / screen capture "/> 

<p> Only the Avengers will save Oscar / screen capture </p>
<p>  The organizers of the Oscar film prize can be replaced by a presenter Invite actors from the franchise" The Avengers "to hold a ceremony allowing them to share responsibilities. </p>
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What the Hollywood Reporter reported, doing reference to its own sources.

It is notorious that the American Film Academy and the producers of shows have suggested to some actors not to come to the Golden Globe-2019 to be more effective at the Oscars. 19659008] Note that in 2013, some some Marvel actors have already taken part in the ceremony, including Robert Downie, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Samuel L. Jackson.

According to UNIAN, after a comedian Kevin Hart once again confirmed that he would not change his decision and would not organize the ceremony S "Oscar" of the concerns of United States has seriously increased kinospilnoty – For lack of short-term time to replace the actor by another candidate

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