What are the dependencies of the Church on the Kremlin? Recognize the autoclave of the CPU: the declaration of the exarch of Constantinople


Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Daniel, Archbishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Pamphylian in the United States, although the Russian Orthodox Church does not recognize the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church, it can be recognized by others churches, even dependent on Moscow. But, he says, it takes time.

The Russian Orthodox Church refuses to recognize the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church The Russian Orthodox Church refuses to recognize the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church

This is indicated by the pastor in the comments of the BBC

and this is understandable.

The Serbian, Polish and Antiochian churches – these are the three structures that take time to work on the recognition of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Of course, the Serbian and Antiochian churches depend on the ROC. With the same church in Poland, understanding will be found, her rhetoric will change and she will understand her historical place in the lap of the Church of Christ and Constantinople,
– noted the clergyman.

According to him, the issue can take months to be recognized by other churches in the CCP.

"Constantinople will work with them to explain why the church of Ukraine must be recognized.I do not foresee big problems here." I think we will find an agreement with the Serbian and Antiochian churches but some time in the created regions "Certain political conditions, so it takes time to work with them", explained Daniel.

He believes that current churches and Romanians will be among the first, and that the process will continue.

Except the Archbishop announced that Bishop Epiphanes had already sent letters of peaceful representation to the peace keepers of the Orthodox churches informing him of his election.

Recall that it was recently announced that the Hellenic Orthodox Church, which is part of the wider Greek Orthodox Church, initiated the process of recognition of the newly created Ukrainian Church glorious rights.

What was the reception process of Ukraine Tomos? On April 19, the Verkhovna Rada approved a resolution concerning the appeal of President Poroshenko to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to grant autocephaly to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Subsequently, the Ecumenical Patriarchate began all relevant procedures.

Yes, early September, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, in anticipation of the granting of autocephaly, appointed its exarchs in Kiev as part of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Subsequently, they traveled to Ukrainian churches and spoke to priests

In October, the synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate met for three days in Istanbul. On October 10, at this meeting, the religious heard the report of the aforementioned exarchs. According to the results of their report, Ukraine has approved the creation of a single local church.

On October 11, the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Istanbul decided to grant the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Tomas of autocephaly. At the meeting of the Synod, it was decided to remove the anathema of the Patriarchate of UOC-KP Filaret and the President of the Ukrainian Auto-Cephalic Church of Macarius. . According to him, such a decision has been approved by the church hierarchies and will help accelerate the reception of Tomos on autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
On October 9, the three-day session of the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate began in Istanbul. On October 10, at this meeting, the clergy heard a report from the messengers of Patriarch Bartholomew (exarchs) who had spent nearly a month in Ukraine. In particular, the clergy went to Ukrainian churches and spoke with the priests. According to the results of their report, Ukraine would have been allowed to create a single local church.

On December 15, at the Unity Council, the Orthodox bishops announced the unification of Ukrainian churches into one independent and independent church. His official name sounds like – Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Metropolitan Pereyaslavsky and Bila Tserkva Epiphane became Prime Minister of the CPSU : his candidacy was supported by the majority of the bishops of the Unified Council. The cathedral of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine was the Mikhailovsky Cathedral with the golden dome.

On January 5, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew signed Tomos of the autocephaly of the only Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Thomas's signing ceremony took place at the St. George's Patriarchal Church on the territory of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul.

On January 6, Bartholomew's historical document officially received the CPSU. The ceremony was presented at the Divine Liturgy, co-led by Patriarch Bartholomew and the head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphanes.

Ukraine has received Tomas on Autocephalous PCU: see video

Who has not yet recognized autocephaly from PCU:

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