Mike Bloomberg will self-fund a potential campaign for 2020, opposing other Democrats


Bloomberg, of which Forbes estimates the value at more than $ 44 billion, spent his own funds to finance his three candidacies for mayor. The billionaire is now considering running for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential election and has announced his intention to decide to run for "in a month or so".

On Friday, during a philanthropic trip to Austin, Texas, Bloomberg told reporters that when he showed up, he would do it by spending his own money.

"In terms of running for office, I ran three times, using only my own money, so I did not have to ask anyone. they wanted in return for a contribution, "he said, referring to a practice that would seem to run counter to federal corruption legislation. "The public appreciated this every time they elected me, and if I went again I would do the same thing."

Bloomberg adds, "I think I do not have to adjust what you say and what you are working on depending on who to fund your campaign is one of the things that the public really likes and it's the right direction I understand that not everyone can self-finance, but the ones I think should do it. "

Bloomberg's plan to bet In 2020, the Democratic Party does not bend to himself, especially those of Senator Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts, who urged the Democrats to reject candidates who use super PAC or self-finance their campaigns.

"I think It's a moment for all the Democratic candidates as they enter the race and declare: in a Democratic primary, we will create strong ties and we will receive funding from the "No to Billionaires," Warren said on MSNBC's "Rachel Maddow Show" earlier this month

She added, "No to the billion dollar if they self-finance or fund PACs. We are the Democratic Party and it is the party of the people. This is how we have not only won elections, but also created movements that bring real change. "

This call was quickly picked up by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a liberal group aligned with Warren's run to 2020.

Billionaire Tom Steyer, who announced this week that he would not seek the presidency after running for months in flirtation.

Bloomberg attacks did not stop with Warren.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont freelancer who is also planning a run up to 2020, has regularly referred to the "billionaire class" and made these attacks a central part of his campaign against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

And Connie Schultz, Democrat and Possible Senator's Wife 2020 candidate Sherrod Brown of Ohio tweeted last month about men trying to buy the presidency.

"I want a man who wants to buy a chair, I thought I never thought, ever "19659002] Bloomberg More than $ 100 million spent on democratic causes in 2018, a sum that Republican officials say helped Democrats regain power in the House of Representatives November elections.

spent two years earlier.

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