What signs of the zodiac are most likely to betray


Treason is a serious blow. Perceived betrayal particularly painful of a loved one, in whom he loved and in whom he had full confidence. In times when the heart is squeezed from insults, you begin to think that everyone is trying to put you in the back!

In fact, this is not the case. Most people are not inclined to betray, even if we are quite numerous among those who are ready to make such a step to win, for their personal interest or for their personal happiness. Can Judas be calculated? Astrologers say in this respect that in certain circumstances traitors can become the representatives of the most different signs of the zodiac. However, in some characters, the tendency to betray much higher. Who are these people?


Fish are called primary adapters among all signs of the zodiac. The whole life of Pisces is seeking a better way of settling in life, and therefore of adapting skillfully to circumstances, of changing their habits, their position and their environment, if it is profitable to them. And while pursuing "the places under the sun", Fish easily betrays the best known people who communicate closely. At the same time, Clever Fishes do everything to get out of the shock and bring them into line with the situation of the victim.

Moreover, the fish can betray with a strong love. Capable of capturing quickly, these people are not able to restrain themselves when there is a powerful train. As a result, the representative of the given sign may betray the beloved person, or even decide on more radical measures. However, by betraying a loved one, the fish repents and suffers, it is devoured by the torment of conscience.


This is a very sensible traitor. Virgins are immodest for this stage if, by means of betrayal, they can obtain the desired benefits, for example a promotion, a higher salary or a fan who has long dreamed of it. In advance, the Virgin will calculate everything and make every effort so that nobody can guess who is the author of an insidious plan. For the representative of this sign who loves intellectual games, treason is also a means of self-expression, because the incarnation of the insidious plan of the Virgin shows how delicate and powerful it is. They do not consider their actions treasonous, it is for them only a game of which they are often the victors. Is it worth it to wonder that the motto of the Virgin in life looks like this: "Maximum benefits with minimum effort?"


The surroundings are wary of the representatives of the sign of the Twins, and all because of their duality. In different life situations, these people wear different masks and play their beneficial roles. Treason for them is an empty sound! Gemini does not tolerate any restrictions and does not take into account the opinion of society. Therefore, if the twin needs something, he will necessarily receive it out of treason. And do not even doubt that the eloquent speaker, Bliznyuk, finds words to justify his act and dries up "dry of water".

It is also useful to say about the talkative of the representatives of this sign. The twins need to know everything about everything. They therefore participate in all the gossip and often provoke them themselves. Of course, in discussing the life of someone else, Gemini can easily convey the secrets of others, which is also, in essence, treason.


Aquarius is called sticky people who have a non-standard thinking. By their nature, they can not be called volatile personalities, who only need an opportunity to betray a loved one. This happens rather when a close person becomes an obstacle for the representative of the sign. Desperate to achieve the desired result, Aquarius will take all measures and easily betray the other person. The people who do not need Aquarius are simply indifferent to him, which means that he can betray them without blaming the conscience.

If we speak of limitations, Aquarius despises them even more than Twins. To betray a loved one without being let go, exactly like Aquarius. Moreover, by performing insidious and treacherous acts, the representatives of this sign represent everything in such a way that a devoted man also begs pardon for Aquarius.


But the most frustrated devotees feel when they learn the betrayal of Sagittarius. These people are considered loyal and trustworthy, surrounding the Sagittarians' trust and sincerely loving them, believing them sincere and faithful. A Sagittarius is capable of the most insidious betrayal in the world! He may betray, be emotionally, impressed or embraced by an idea. But Sagittarius will only be betrayed if it is absolutely certain that no one will know anything about its insidious act and that society will not condemn it.

What is characteristic, with all its advantages Sagittarius is one of the main traitors among all the signs of the zodiac. They do not like measured family life and, sooner or later, Sagittarius starts looking for entertainment on the side. Revealed in Treason Sagittarius Bitter Repent of Engagement But After a Short Time [19659017] again becomes on the path of treason .

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