KUSI TV accuses CNN of political bias against the rejection of history on the borders


The San Diego TV channel KUSI-TV accused CNN of refusing to let a journalist feel that he had been asked for the usefulness of border barriers, the network national apparently did not appreciate what he had to say. On Friday, the channel backed up saying that the reporter, Dan Plante, did not really know why the rejection had occurred.

CNN contacted Plant to talk about a border fence in San Diego for a segment supposed to air on Thursday, the Associated Press (AP) reported.

The segment was supposed to concern the $ 5.7 billion wall proposed by President Donald Trump along the US-Mexico border. Congressional Democrats refused for weeks to finance the wall, which resulted in the federal government shutting down last month.

But the story of Plante was never broadcast on CNN and KUSI accused him of political bias.

President Donald Trump meets with an officer of the US Border Patrol (CBP) while he was taking part in a guided tour of US-Mexico border wall prototypes. Mike McKinnon III, KUSI Digital Content Manager, wrote on Thursday: "We believe that CNN refused a KUSI report because we informed them that most of the border patrol officers we talked to had told us that the barrier actually worked. "

"Border patrol officers have continually told us that the barrier along the southern border helps to prevent illegal entries, drugs and weapons from entering the United States, and the numbers prove it, "said McKinnon.

Anna Laurel, presenter of KUSI, added in her article of the day: "They did not like what they heard from us."

Trump also supported KUSI in by tweeting his segment on the border fence and CNN rejection, adding: "#FakeNews." The president regularly and publicly criticized CNN, saying it was biased against him.

But KUSI resumed comments Friday, while chief information officer, Steve Cohen, claimed that he did not really know why the network had refused Plante's appearance.

"It is certainly plausible that they did not wish it or that they just did not want it," said Cohen, according to the AP. "Both are plausible conclusions, I've done one rather than the other."

CNN, for its part, declares that it regularly cancels reservations and qualifies the saga as "non-history".

His communication team tweeted on Friday: "We called several local stations to book someone for a show, and we ended up reserving none. several times a day.We did so.However, book a reporter from KUSI for an article on immigration and the border wall in November.This is not a article. "

The government's closure entered its 22nd day on Saturday, making it the longest in the history of the United States. That does not seem to be coming to an end, because Trump and the Democratic leaders still have to come to an agreement. 800,000 federal workers remain without a pay check.

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