Voice on Putin's plan for Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, enthusiasm, economic pressure, Stanislav Belkovsky – world news


This year, Russian President Vladimir Putin will continue to put pressure on Belarus, including on the economic front, and it will now be much more powerful.

In general, Belarus could spend billions of extrabudgetary funds in political enthusiasm, he said. The political scientist and Russian political technologist Stanislav Belkovsky

"The pressure on Belarus will of course remain one of the most important trends." As part of the restoration of the doctrine of loneliness, the Kremlin made it clear that Belarus was not perceived as a friend. and financial instructor Anton Siluanov said that Belarus lost confidence in Russia. It is clear that such a prudent guardian, who has never been seen in such harsh statements, could have dispensed with first-person sanctions, and even without the first person's direct indication. and thus to deflect, as before, Alexander Lukashenko will not succeed ", – said Belkovsky.

He believes that the President of Belarus will even have to resort to the West to also solve the economic problems.

"But this help is the West. can not be as big as that of Russia in the case of capitulation of Minsk, nor so fast, because there is a procedure in the west that is not in Russia, "said a political scientist

"In Russia, billions of dollars can be spent at a stroke of Volodymyr Putin's little finger and not even Vladimir Putin. In fact, for these purposes, many "cubes" are created, no one is under control and he is not responsible. Therefore, I do not rule out the fact that investing 5 to 10 billion dollars in Belarus to control it politically is not a problem for Putin. And that will not affect the Russian budget. Therefore, the objections of some observers to the fact that, as the budget is at the expense of Belarus – it will not fall, "said Belkovsky.

According to him, the question is simply whether Lukashenko will agree to give an important part of its power.] 19659002] According to OBOZREVATEL, the international expert Maxim Yali said that Putin was trying to follow the government at all costs, a strategy is being developed for unification of Russia with Belarus.

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