Jayme Closs: Investigators looking for movements of a kidnapping suspect


On October 15, Jake Patterson is charged with killing and killing Jayme's parents before abducting the 13-year-old girl from her home in northwestern Wisconsin, in northeastern Ontario. West Wisconsin. His abduction led to a search that ended Thursday. and Patterson stopped – about 70 miles from his house.

Barron County Sheriff Christopher Fitzgerald said he did not think his abductor had taken him across the state's borders. The authorities are trying to track their movements over the last three months to see what they can learn.

"Well, we are currently looking for 88 days of evidence," Fitzgerald said. "So, we are looking for receipts, where the suspect might be in the last 88 days." Did he take things with her, did she go to the store, did he buy her clothes, did he buy "The investigators also do not know under what conditions she was detained in the cabin of the isolated community of Gordon, Wisconsin, nor how she escaped. It seems Patterson is hiding it from his friends and other people, "said the sheriff without giving more details.

"All I know is that she managed to get out of this house and get help.People immediately recognized her under the name of Jayme Closs, "said Fitzgerald.

The detectives will continue to talk to Jayme, but at her own pace, to get more details to help them in their investigation.

"When she wants information, it will be given to her, and when she wants to tell us things, it will be taken from her," he says.

According to the police, Jayme was his target.

Patterson went to the Closs home outside Barron, Wisconsin, to take Jayme, Fitzgerald said.

"We think Jayme was the target and he (Patterson) was getting rid of the potential obstacles to take it," Fitzgerald told CNN's Jean Casarez.

What is uncertain, however, is how and why Patterson – from the remote Gordon community, Barron's two counties – would have chosen Jayme for kidnapping.

  The sheriff states that Jayme Closs is a hero after being released from captivity and asking for help

The sheriff calls it "a very well planned attack". Fitzgerald indicated by way of example that Patterson had shaved his head to avoid leaving hair as evidence during the assault.

But the sheriff also stated that there was no evidence that Patterson knew the Closses or had ever been in contact with them.

A few years ago, Patterson worked for a day at the same meat establishment as Jayme's parents: the Jennie-O Turkey Store in Barron. Patterson resigned, saying he was retiring from the area, according to the company.

Authorities said they did not believe Patterson was meeting Jayme's parents on his way. Investigators try to determine if he was working in another job in the area

The same evening, authorities discovered Jayme missing three months ago. The police found her parents, James and Denise Closs, shot dead in their homes.

Shortly before 1 pm that night, the 911 dispatchers received a call on which they could hear a lot of screaming, but no one spoke to the sender. When the dispatcher recalled, a voice message stating that the phone belonged to Denise Closs, 46, was greeted.

The police arrived at the door. Jayme is gone and her parents are dead.

For months, thousands of people joined the research groups while investigators received thousands of tips. The FBI offered a cash reward to find out where she was and authorities asked hunters in the area to be on the lookout for clues.

She informed rescuers of time spent in captivity

Jayme was found Thursday. Outside the rural community of Gordon, where Patterson was holding her home against her will, the authorities said.

Jeanne Nutter, who has a hut in the Gordon area, was walking her dog on a secluded road at about four o'clock. when she saw Jayme outside in the cold at dusk. Nutter said that Jayme had no coat or gloves.
"I'm lost and I do not know where I am, and I need help," Jayme told Nutter.

Nutter and Jayme went to the nearest home, that of Kristin and Peter Kasinskas, and called 911.

  Sheriff claims that Jayme Closs is a heroine after being released from captivity and have asked for help

"She told us," This person killed my parents and m "took hold," said Kasinskas. "She said that this person usually hides her when other people are nearby or when he has to leave the house. She did not explain in detail how she came out of the house or anything of the sort. "

Ten A few minutes after Jayme's discovery, Patterson was arrested and arrested. Barron County Prison for preliminary charges of willful homicide and kidnapping, and will appear for the first time in court on Monday.

When deputies arrested him, he was at Jayme's research, said Fitzgerald

Jayme was hospitalized, then released and found with her family and dog Molly in Barron.

Her aunt said that Jayme had slept well. "This was Good to know that she was next to me all night, "Jennifer Smith told Facebook on Saturday." What a great feeling to find her at home. "

CNN's Faith Karimi and Jason Hanna contributed to this report.

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