US media chain and White House: Trump moves Putin's arrows to Amazon


The American newspaper The Washington Post has published numerous articles on how US President Donald Trump hid the details of his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Tramp himself was scandalized and actively denied such information, but instead discovered what the Washington Post was accused of.

The WP newspaper received information from the former government regarding the concealment of the conversation . Apparently, after a conversation with Putin in 2017 in Hamburg, Germany, the US President tried to take his interpreter's notebook and instructed him not to discuss with anyone the address he had. would have heard.

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According to them, the behavior of such a Tramp is systemic because the US President carefully protects his links with Putin from public control and does not even allow officials in his own administration to know the details. The White House would not have seen a transcript of the meeting between Trump and Putin. They say, that there is no secret file on the five meetings of US and Russian leaders in the last two years. This behavior is not common to any American president and all of this goes against the intelligence information that Russia has intervened in the US election campaign.

Jeff Bezos, billionaire, owner of Amazon, as well as and The Washington Post

Donald Trump has outraged such allegations and, in his phone interview with Fox News, the President denied having concealed the contents of the conversations with Putin. In particular, the reporter asked about the discussions in Helsinki in 2018.

We had a great conversation. We talked about Israel, the security of Israel, many other things. Everything went well. I do not hide anything,
– replied Trump

. And he was surprised to see that nobody was interested in his meetings with other presidents, but only when it comes to Putin, they constantly ask, "What have you you say?" Donald Trump has instead insisted that the American newspaper The Washington Post belongs to billionaire Jeff Bezos and uses this publication for advertising and lobbying purposes for his Amazon company.

Remember that on January 13, the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos, is 55 years old. The story of his success can not help but capture. The 24th channel has therefore prepared a detailed publication on this occasion: "Who is Jeff Bezos: biography and secrets of the success of the richest man on the planet"

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