In Belarus wants to get rid of Russian television


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The opposition believes that, to preserve the independence of citizens of the republic, "it is important to improve the knowledge of the Belarusian language", and the authorities to expand its use in various areas of life.

  Lukashenka called the ears to speak Union with Russia / photo by UNIAN

Lukashenka called spoke of the union with Russia with his ears / photo of UNIAN

Opposition The party "Popular Front Belarussian "called on the authorities to restrict the broadcasting of Russian television channels and to force citizens to actively use their native language to resist attacks on information.

This is stated on the party's website. The message says that recently, the media often talk about the Union therefore, in order to preserve the independence of the citizens of the republic, "it is important to improve the knowledge of the Belarusian language" and to the authorities – to develop its use in various areas of life.

Read also The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation reacts to the words of Lukashenka on the dissolution of the Union of Belarus and Russia

"We ask to the authorities of Belarus to restrict the broadcasting of Russian TV channels which provoke interethnic hostility and constitute a means of conducting an information war against our country, replacing them with programs of their own production or balanced a set of foreign television programs from various countries, "the party noted.

Previously, it was reported that Lukashenko had called to talk about the association with Russia with his ears.

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