Singer Svetlana Loboda staged a scandal at Sheremetyevo airport


The conditions of the VIP room of Sheremetyevo were not sufficiently "royal" for the Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda, currently on tour in Russia. Loboda, who has never differed by the sweetness, decided to show all the power of her anger directly at the airport and caused a real scandal because she remained dissatisfied with the quality of service in the room VIPs.

The video draws attention on the Klops portal and publishes a video, eyewitness.

According to the witness of the conflict, the singer had to switch to passport control after his arrival in Moscow. However, no one met her and Loboda was forced to walk in the VIP hall. After watching the video, the conversation ended with the fact that the singer had promised to share his knowledge with his entourage and was accompanied by his guardian.

"I do not need your apologies, I need professionalism at work", – said employees of VIP Loboda hall. [19659002SvetlanaLobodaquivitettravailleenRussieaimeattirerl'attentionetchoquerlepublicquivitettravailleactuellementenRussiesenparticulierdansInstagramLobodaenseignesouventdesphotographiesséduisantesetparfoisfranchementétrangesetseprécipitesouventsurlescritiquesdesesfans[19659002] In the photos appears in the & # 39; registration Svetlana Loboda, she appeared in public in a soft image of the beach and laid down the stairs, making a long demonstration. bare legs For the photo shoot, the singer wears a long beige blouse. The artist's hair is dissolved and on his head is a scarf knotted in front of his round sunglasses. On the hands and feet is a red varnish. Svetlana folds in different positions on the camera.

In a photo signature, Loboda wrote: "I want to go to the sun # cool water". The fans have not passed and have begun to actively discuss the new publication of the star. Many people liked his picture, and they star a star with compliments and congratulations in the comments. And some ask Svetlana, where and with whom she rested during the New Year holidays.

Remember, Loboda tried the fans with a short dress. The singer praised the admirers with a bright photo of the beach on Christmas Day

The portal "" had previously reported that Loboda had declared "Inter" with all his lips.

The portal "Know.u" had written that "without mercy" had shown Loboda, "ruthless". what's behind the scenes

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