The sun will turn into a giant crystal: scientists said when and how


The white dwarf is the last stage in the life of stars near the mass of the sun. Its characteristic lies in the enormous values ​​of the density of matter in the nucleus (up to 10 million grams per cubic centimeter), because of which the electron envelopes of atoms collapse.

Despite the high density, the core substance of white dwarfs behaves like a liquid.


Half a century ago, scientists calculated that when the temperature of 10 million Kelvin reached the nucleus, the crystallization process of the substance began – as in the transformation of water into ice

This process releases a large amount of heat that significantly slows the star's cooling and can prolong life. for several billion years.

Heavy white dwarfs crystallize earlier. However, until recently, astrophysicists lacked data to confirm theoretical calculations because studying white dwarfs is complicated because of their small size and low light.

The international team of astrophysicists from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom has confirmed the hypothesis that, in the nuclei of white dwarfs, one of them, after 6-7 billions of years, become the Sun, there are processes of crystallization of carbon and oxygen ions.

release a huge amount of heat from the nucleus, which slows down the cooling of the star. Transmitted Wave.

The researchers analyzed the data obtained from the Gaia telescope of the European Space Agency. Scientists have chosen and studied more than 15,000 white dwarves at a distance of no more than 326 light-years from Earth to study the crystallization process.

According to the authors of the study, the great merit of this discovery lies in the possibilities offered by the Gaia telescope, which allowed to test the enormous volume. data, which was only possible recently.

In dealing with all the results obtained, scientists constructed the Hertzsprung-Russel diagrams, which show the relationship between absolute magnitude, luminosity and spectral class. som and temperature of the surface of the star.

The resulting diagram revealed a sequence in which objects of low absolute magnitude are characterized by a disagreement between age and the degree of cooling. This scheme, as predicted by astrophysics, is explained by a model in which the crystallization of the material in the nucleus leads to the release of a large amount of heat and to a strong deceleration of the cooling process from the star.

"All white dwarves crystallize at some point in their evolution, but the more massive white dwarfs pass through the preceding process, which means that billions of white dwarfs in our galaxy are essentially large crystalline spheres, and that the sun will become a crystalline dwarf in about 10 billion years, "sums up the research and led by Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay of the University of Warwick (United Kingdom)

This discovery has not only allowed for better understand the evolution of stars and the behavior of a high-density substance, but also to revise the age-related data of many people.

Magnetic violations are expected on January 16, which will be close to the magnetic storm of the first level of G1.

The NASA TESS satellite has already found the third exoplanet with the longest known penny s the name of "Know." Orbit.

Also, "Znay.u" wrote, the researchers discovered that the neighbors with the lactic will collide with the Milky Way, after which our solar system will fall into the space funnel.

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