A Ukrainian singer spoke of the state of his son oncologist


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The singer noted that Pavlo was already better

  The son of Victor Pavlik was diagnosed with cancer / photos instagram.com/viktorpavlik

On the Victor Pavlik's son was diagnosed with cancer / photos instagram.com/viktorpavlik Singer Victor Pavlik, whose son has been suffering from a vertebral sarcoma for about four months, talked about the current state from Paul.

The conspiracy artist "1 + 1 Breakfast" said that the condition of a 19-year-old son, who has undergone surgery at the Institute of Neurosurgery, is already the best.

"Thanks to all the people who prayed, who were supported, we are treated, everything is progressing, the tests are getting better and better, we are going through chemotherapy, thanks to God for everything, said your door.

Read also Victor Pavlik stopped raising funds for the treatment of a seriously ill son

Note that an additional treatment was planned in Israel, but Paul was categorically opposed to the trip abroad, so it is currently in Kiev, at the Institute of Oncology, and thanks to the indifference and support of the people, the family has the possibility to continue the treatment, even if Pavlik has already stopped raising funds

"As they say, not 100 rubles, but maybe 100 friends, and in this case, I think that C & # 39, are there in Ene so many friends around the world across the country – it is very , very pleasant. Thank you very much Be thankful to God, glory to Ukraine, "added the artist.

Previously, Victor Pavlik had declared that he had decided to sell his own collection of guitars to save his son

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