Scientists were able to measure the rotation speed of a black hole


This is possible through the observation of the death of a nearby star of the supermassive space object.

<img alt = "Scientists say that the black hole explored is not as fast / NASC's" NASC "src =" https: //images.unian. "Scientists say the black hole Explored is not as fast / NASA / /

Scientists say black hole explored is not so fast / NASA

Scientists have corrected the momentum a star traversed by the black hole, which allowed them to better understand the physical properties of these extraordinary objects in the space.

The black holes of stellar mass, like x and the one studied by a team of Scholars are formed in cases where a large star suffers an internal collapse, forming a supernova.The resulting black hole has a gravity so strong that even light can not let it pass. Newsweek, it's virtually impossible to know their exact physical properties.

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However, their horizons of events, that is to say the "point of no return ", on It has some scientific options. For the first time, scientists have been able to see the process of breaking the star at the horizon of the events of a supermassive black hole. The data collected allowed us to determine the speed at which a devastating space object, located from Earth for 290 million light years, returned.

Scientists from the United States and the Netherlands have observed the so-called "tidal destruction event" (TDE), that is, the process of destroying light by black. hole During the death of the star, radiated electromagnetic energy, especially X-rays. This impulse allowed the researchers to determine certain properties of the black hole itself, especially its mass and Rotational rhythm

As part of an intensive analysis, the team revealed a stable periodic signal from the condemned star. The signal was bright then faded every 131 seconds. And this X-ray radiation came from a point extremely close to the horizon of events, which allowed the scientists to conclude that the signal source around the black hole had been turned.

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Due to the stability of the signal and the proximity of its source compared to the horizon of events, the researchers were able to calculate that the speed of rotation of the black hole itself corresponds to about 50% of the speed of light, about 149 500 kilometers per second.

"This is not very high speed" There are other black holes, whose speed reaches 99% of the speed of light, "said the co-author of the study, Dhiry Pasham

"But it was the first time we used the TDE to determine the rotation rate of the supermassive black hole," he explained.Scientists now want to discover new cases of TDE to evaluate the properties of other black holes

"It would be very useful to adjust the rotation speed of several existing black holes since the beginning of time. Because that would allow us to check the existence of the rotation ratio with the age of the black holes ", – explained Pasham

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