Named the most severe types of pain


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"We have created an assessment of" pain "by incorporating the most serious types of pain that humans can only feel," scientists said.

  Evaluations of the strongest pain types / photo

Rating of the most severe pain types / photo by

The staff of the Institute of Anesthesiology and Research on the pain of Stanford University (USA) compiled a note of the highest qualities pain

It includes chronic pain that a person is unable to cope with autonomously, without taking dasgs, or the control, reports MedikForum.

Pain caused by inflammation of the trigeminal nerve He became a leader. According to experts, women, in their reactions to pain caused by inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, call it pain greater than that of even birth.

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Pain of old wounds. It's impossible to control such pain – it can happen at any time. According to medical experts, people underestimate the effects of injuries once received, while contributing to tissue and joint damage and accelerating the development of dystrophic changes. This is especially dangerous if injuries are repeated or there is overload, excessive cooling – an inflammatory process that destroys tissue can develop.

Pain associated with oncological diseases. The pain is felt by every oncologist out of two, up to 80% of patients, while she is facing intense pain. The causes of pain can be directly affected by a tumor of the pain or nerve receptors, as well as by therapeutic manipulations. Scientists have reported that even with persistent remission after chemotherapy, extreme extremity pain can be maintained.

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