Representative Steve King withdraws from committee work amid controversy over "white supremacy"


Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, was removed from the committee by his Republican colleagues on Monday night after bipartisan condemnation of King's recent remarks on white supremacy and nationalism.

"We will not tolerate this type of language in the Republican Party … or in the Democratic Party too," Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif told reporters. "I watched what Steve King said and we acted."

In an official statement, McCarthy stated that King's remarks were "under the dignity of the Lincoln Party and the United States of America.His comments raise the question of whether he is treating all of the Americans on an equal footing, regardless of race or ethnicity The House Republicans are clear: we are all in the same boat, as equal citizens before God and before the law. as congressmen, let us sincerely hope and pray that this action will bring about greater reflection and ultimately change. "

In a statement, King insists that his words were" completely misinterpreted " "and blamed McCarthy for what King called" a political decision that ignores the truth ". According to his website, King was formerly a member of House committees responsible for justice, agriculture and small business.

King, 69, was already under fire from both parties for a series of pe


"White Nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization – how did this language become shocking?" King asked the newspaper. "Why do I sit in classrooms to learn the merits of our history and our civilization?"

In his statement Monday, King insisted that his use of "that language "was referring" to ONLY Western civilization and none of those previously indicated. perverse ideology that I have denounced EVERYTHING.

"My record as a defender of Western civilization is almost as complete as that for the defense of freedom of expression," King concluded. "I will continue to emphasize the truth and work with all the vigor that I have to represent the 4th Iowans District for at least the next two years."

The loss of the King Committee's mandates may well not be the End of Problems Earlier Monday, representatives Bobby Rush, D-Ill, and Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, submitted separate censorship resolutions against the Republican.Censorship is one of three official punishments modes. The House is more severe than a reprimand, but not as severe as an eviction.The House has only censored 23 members of history, most recently, the Former Representative Charlie Rangel, DN.Y., In December 2010.

"A price lower than [than censure] would be a slap," Rush told reporters. "Steve King must stop suddenly and seriously to express his racism in series and in series. This Congress must stand up and express its sentiment. "

Senate Republicans also expressed disgust toward King, with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Saying that if King" does not understand why "white supremacy" is offensive, it should find another type of work. "

" There is no place in the Republican Party, Congress or country for ideology of racial supremacy of any nature, "said McConnell." I have no tolerance for such positions and those who subscribe to these ideas are not advocates of American ideals and freedoms. "King's statements are unwelcome and unworthy of his position elected. "

Senator Mitt Romey, R-Utah, stated that King's remarks" are his and his exclusive and that what he said is wrong and must lead to his Congress resignation. "

" I think it's very c that the leadership of the party is unified: Steve King is banned and he should no longer be a member of Congress, "said Romney.


Last year, King had tweeted "Culture and demographics are our destiny" and said that "we can not restore our civilization with the babies of someone's dad." ;other". [19659003] In 2013, he said that he had sympathy for some illegal immigrants, "they are not all followers of religion, they were not all brought by their parents. 130 pounds and they have calves the size of a cantaloupe because they carry 75 kilos of marijuana in the desert. "

CLICK HERE TO GET THE APP FOX NEWS [19659003] Shortly before the mid-term elections of 2018, in which King was running, Rep. Steve Stivers, R-Ohio, then chairman of the GOP campaign committee, issued an extraordinary public denunciation.

King had already designated a main opponent for the 2020 election: Randy Feenstra, Senator of the GOP State.

Jason Donner of Fox News and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

Gregg Re of Fox News and the Associated Press contributed to this report

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