Slog PM: The White House serves a fast food buffet to Clemson's Tigers, not too bad Viadoom, closing affects our Fiery Summers – Slog


  Hell is empty and the devils are here. "Title =" Hell is empty and the devils are here. "/> 

<p><span class= Hell is empty and the demons are here Chris Kleponis – Pool / Getty Images

If our summer fire is very rough this year, I know why : Good sure, it will be hard to say whether climate change is only increasing, but Trump's closure is not helping the cause, nor is its inaction in the face of climate change, but it's not the only way to reduce climate change. is a completely different thing.The closing of the government, which continues to be strong, makes Washington can no longer hire or train new firefighters and implement forest restoration programs.You store your smoke mask now? Is, after all, the most fashionable trend of the month of August Senators Cantwell and Murray are sending a very strong letter to Trump today.

Welcome to the White House, would you like to enlarge this? The University of Clemson won the NCAA National Football Championship. They go to the White House.

Shot :

Hunter ]:


The day is almost over Stranger World Headquarters :


The latest ransom of comments to this topic (we'll know more, we'll know more): "Do you think Michelle Obama was burned or do you think he found these hamburgers in the organic garden of the White House?"

Here are some highlights for federal employees : This is intended for TSA agents. In the meantime, Canada is sending pizzas to US air traffic controllers.

Yakima County had 32 homicides l & # 39; last year : This total includes 19 violent deaths in Yakima. I do not know what is the difference between violent deaths and homicides (Google tells me that a violent death is a death accelerated by human intervention). This is the highest number of homicides in 38 years. The officers made arrests in 70% of the cases, but they do not know why at all.

Evidence shows that environmental health is a problem of justice : A new map shows the environmental risks that every community faces in Washington. You can search for it yourself. The columnist Tyrone Beason of the Seattle Times found that low-income and minority communities are significantly more exposed than whiter and richer communities. This confirms what we have known for a long time. Here is the map.

There are a lot of aliens in Washington : The Washingtonians reported a lot of UFO sightings last year. There have been 160 sightings, according to the National UFO Reporting Center, a place I discovered that exists today and where I would like to love work (can I use any of you as a reference?). UFOs are delicate minxes, it seems, and come in different forms. Some of these forms are: "triangular or cigar-shaped objects, spheres, lights, discs, fireballs and even multiple object formations". Thank you, KOMO.

Nobody seems to know what caused the fire of this boat last night : A Lakewood marina caught fire last night. Three boats were damaged. The cost is estimated at $ 200,000. A man was sent to the hospital. The cause of the fire is still not clear.

All the late hour of the year on the table for Washington : I will be frank and honest here, which is a very good quality thank you very much, and say that the daylight always confuses me. Whatever the case may be, the bill before the Legislative Assembly would propose to stay at the summer time all year round. That's what California voted for in November. No matter what Washington legislators decide, Congress must approve the decision. For more information on the bill, read this article from KING5.

The first day of Viadoom was not so bad : My ride was fine this morning. There was a bit of congestion that reached 520 and my bus was full, but I think maybe it was more simply UW students coming out of the class than the congestion associated with Viadoom. Transport officials are expecting traffic to deteriorate, so do not be fooled.

Los Angeles teachers are on strike : 32,000 teachers from the Los Angeles Unified School District left work today. They serve 600,000 students in the Los Angeles area. This is the first LAUSD strike in 30 years. The strike is about the size of the classroom. Teachers want more teachers to be hired to lighten their load. Currently, class sizes are in the 40's and even 50's. It's absurd. I like you, LAUSD. Stay strong.

[1945919] [19659005] Rand Paul, who does not support a socialized health system, undergoes surgery in Canada : Paul will not say why he goes to Canada for a hernia operation. Nevertheless, Paul is being cut to pieces in the far north, where universal health care is funded by the state. The hernia, he says, dates from the moment he was attacked by his neighbor while he was working in the yard.

The most popular photo on Instagram is an egg : Just an egg. She surpassed Kylie Jenner's first picture: her baby is now the most popular photo on Instagram. He received more than 25 million likes in 10 days.

An impressive dance on the subway for your return trip : Let's hope this is not excessive traffic. Or, hopefully, so that you can read Slog PM again and again. What would you need more?

Because I love you (for some reason), here is another good video : This one is better than the last.

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