Robert Mueller said that Rick Gates' cooperation was continuing so that a possible investigation of the signs is not over yet


Mueller's team and defense lawyers, Rick Gates, former Trump campaign leader, informed the presiding judge Tuesday, but Mueller is not ready to implement his sentence.

million. Gates "continues to cooperate with regard to several ongoing investigations and, as a result, the parties do not believe it is appropriate to begin the sentencing process at this time," lawyers said. Gates legal team and the special advocate's office in a one-page statement to the judge.

The lawyers concerned requested that their next update be published in two months.

The delay still in the Gates case suggests that the Mueller team and other investigators from the Department of Justice are not yet finished with the campaign and l 'inquiries. inauguration of Trump, for which Gates is considered a key witness.

Recent developments, including the preparation of a final report and the expected imminent departure of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, foreshadowed a possible end to the investigation. Mueller's office did not comment on the timing of the conclusion of its investigation work on Russia's interference in the 2016 election and the related crimes arising from this investigation.
Gates, longtime associate of former Trump campaign president Paul Manafort, pleaded guilty almost a year. There is already a charge of conspiracy related to his lobbying activities with Manafort and a lie accusation to the investigators.

The situation report on the Gates case also comes as Manafort sees its own criminal case come to an end.

It is still unclear to what investigations Gates contributed, although he had knowledge of Manafort's relations, the Trump campaign, the inauguration of President Donald Trump and his Long-standing Russian colleague, as well as Manafort, Konstantin Kilimnik – who now seems to be at the center of Mueller's investigation – can be unprecedented among the co-operators of Trump's political universe.
Previously, Manafort was believed to be the featured cooperator. in the probe of Russia. But after his plea fell to pieces when prosecutors accused him of lying, the utility of Gates increased.

If Gates provides substantial assistance to Mueller's team, he could ask the judge for leniency – perhaps not even time in jail – at the time of his conviction.

Unlike the Gates case, the Manafort case is becoming a sentence. Manafort is to be sentenced by two separate judges next month for his eight convictions for financial fraud and then separately in March for the charges he pleaded guilty to.

At a trial last October, Gates' lawyers said his cooperative talks had taken place the special council office in Washington was "numerous". He helped them even after testifying against Manafort at Manafort's criminal trial this summer, said his lawyer.

Gates was the deputy chairman of the Trump campaign at a time when the campaign had had several suspicious communications with the Russians or about Russia, including the campaign president. Manafort shares survey data with Kilimnik, the Trump Tower meeting in June 2016 and the party's decision to change platform regarding Russian intervention in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Russian military intelligence hacked at Democratic targets and facilitated the release of stolen e-mails to harm Trump's opponents. The Russians, backed by a powerful oligarch, also reportedly ran a propaganda campaign on US social media at that time to influence voters to help Trump. The Mueller investigation focuses on Russia's interference in the 2016 US presidential election.
After leaving Manafort in August 2016, Gates participated in the election campaign and assumed a leading role at the inauguration. Federal prosecutors in New York are investigating the inaugural committee for possible financial exploitation, CNN reported.

CNN's Marshall Cohen contributed to this report.

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