William Barr's Confirmation Hearing: Trump Attorney General's Live Webcast to the Senate Judiciary Committee Today – Live Updates


Members of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate prepare William Barr, candidate of the Attorney General of President Trump, for his first day of confirmation hearings on Capitol Hill.

Initially, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, the new chairman of the committee, told Barr that he should expect to be confronted with questions about a memo containing critical terms with regard to the inquiry of the special council on the question of whether President Trump obstructed justice.

"You will be challenged, you should be challenged, the memo will be" We talked about it a lot, as it should, "Graham said.

Many senators questioned the lawyer's views on the investigation by Special Advocate Robert Mueller into Russia's interference in the elections. of 2016.

was in a hurry to justify his independence as head of the Justice Department, given the president's repeated insults against former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, alongside FBI officials. Here is one of those exchanges between Democratic Senator Dick Durbin and Barr.

DURBIN: "A number of my colleagues on both sides asked, and I bet you'll hear more, questions like: your point Jim Mattis, when the president asked you to do something that, at your Does not it give you a break during your embarkation on this trip? "

BARR:" Uh, that could take a break if I had 45 or 50, but it does not make me pause now.I have had a very good life – I have a very good life.I love it.But I also want to help in this situation, and I will not do anything that I think is wrong, and I will not be intimidated by anything that I think is wrong, by anyone, whether it's the editorial boards, or the congress, or the chair I will do what I think is right. "

Barr's testimony suggests that Mueller's final report will not be published

R Report by Paula Reid

Despite his promise of "transparency," Barr's testimony suggests that he does not intend to make public Mueller's final report.

Under the Special Councils Regulation, Mueller's only requirement at the end of the investigation is to submit a final report to the Attorney General. The Attorney General decides what, if any, becomes public. Barr repeatedly stated that he felt that the report of the special advocate was confidential, but he could write his own version for public consumption.

"My goal is to convey as much information as possible to Congress and the public," In response to a question from Senator Dianne Feinstein, Barr said that he would attempt to obtain the information in accordance with the rules of the DOJ.

He stated that he expected Mueller's report to summarize the "prosecution or declination decisions" and these summaries would be treated as any document of this type within of the MJ. Declare notes, summarizing the evidence without charges, are kept in the DOJ and are never made public.

million. Barr says he would refuse the DOJ's recommendation on disqualification when he "disapproved"

Sen. Kamala Harris, a California Democrat, asked Barr how he would not agree to a recommendation from the Justice Department to recuse himself.

"If I disagree with that, said Barr.

Cory Booker sinks into the weeds." With Barr

Democratic Senator Cory Booker began to convince Barr to take a stand on marijuana and on the enforcement of federal marijuana laws in states authorizing marijuana.

Barr confirmed that he would not devote significant resources to the elimination of weed suppliers in the states where the drug is legal.The Bar Association said that he thinks that there should be a federal law prohibiting marijuana everywhere, although such a law exists.

"We should have a federal law banning marijuana everywhere, which I would argue myself because I think it's a mistake to back down on marijuana, "Barr said.

Barr says Trump did not never said to dismiss Mueller

Barr, responding to the Senator John Kennedy said that Mr. Trump had never asked him to fire Mueller.

"Absolutely not," Barr said when Kennedy asked him if Mr. Trump or someone else at the White House had ever asked that.

Barr says that he does not know if there is an investigation into the obstruction of justice

Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono asked Barr, if he wants to avoid interfering in any investigation of obstruction of justice related to Mr. Trump

Barr replies that he does not know whether there is such an investigation into the impediment to Justice.

Hawley launches Barr on the Internet. privacy issues [19659015] GOP Senator Josh Hawley questioned Barr on anti-trust issues, particularly those related to social media companies. Hawley has spent some of his questions on the alleged political biases of companies such as Facebook and Google, many conservatives blaming these companies for filtering their ideas against right-wing perspectives.

Hawley presented the power of these societies as an anti-power. problem of trust. Mr. Barr did not explain in detail how he would deal with the potential problems of anti-trust social media companies, because he said he would solve these problems if he was confirmed.

"I am in favor of vigorous enforcement of anti-trust laws in order to preserve competition," he said.

Barr continues to discuss the investigation by a special council.

Barr also is committed again to prohibiting the president or his lawyers from revising the special council report before it is made public. Blumenthal asked Barr if the Attorney General deleted the report, he would explain to Congress why the deletions had been made.

"I am committed to providing as much information as possible with the regulations," Barr said. However, he stated that he would not commit either to the President or to the Judicial Committee not to exercise his power of Attorney General to participate in the Special Advocate's investigation.

Barr explains how he understands the investigation conducted by Mueller [19659015] Senator Benoît SOP asked Barr how he would explain Mueller's investigation to the American people.

"I think there have been allegations of Russia's attempts to interfere in the elections, and that Americans would have with Russia," said Barr. "If I understand correctly, Mueller examines these investigations."

Sasse also asked if he thought that Russian President Vladimir Putin was a "friend or foe" of the United States. Mr. Trump repeated that he thought it was better for the government. The United States must be friends with Russia.

"I think that the Russians are a powerful rival to our country and that its foreign policy goals are usually directly at odds with our goals," Barr said. "At the same time, I think the main rival of the United States is China."

Barr discusses rules governing Mueller's investigation

Democratic Senator Chris Coons interviewed Barr, comparing his confirmation hearings to those of Eliot Richardson, Richard Nixon's Attorney General, in 1973. Coons asked Barr if he would keep the special advice regulation if Mr. Trump asked him to change it.

"I think these regulations should remain in effect for the duration of the investigation," Barr said. He also stated that he would not instruct the president to return Mueller without just cause.

Barr also stated that he could authorize Mueller to subpoena Mr. Trump.

"I do not know what the facts are, if there was a factual basis for doing that (…) and I could not say that it violated the established policies, then I would not I would not interfere, "Barr said.

Barr addresses free press questions

Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar asked Barr to pledge to have the Justice Department jail any journalist for his work.

"I can conceive situations where, as a last resort, a press organ has passed a red flag … There could be a situation in which someone would be found guilty of contempt," said Barr

Mr. Barr also stated that he would recuse himself from any case related to the Time Warner merger, as he sat on the board of Time Warner at the time of the merger. Barr says he hopes Congress will reach an agreement including a border wall

Democratic S Amy Klobuchar asked Barr what he would say to federal workers who were fired during the government's closure. [19659002"IwouldlikeanagreementtobereachedunderwhichCongressrecognizesthatitisimperativetoensurebordersecurity"Barrsaidmoneynowforbordersecurityincludingwallsandbattens"[196] 59014] Ernst questions Barr on immigration issues

Senator GOP, Joni Ernst, the first Republican woman to sit on the Judiciary Committee with Senator Marsha Blackburn, questioned Barr on the issues of illegal immigration . She referred to "Sarah's Law", a bill prohibiting imprisoned illegal immigrants from being paid on bail.

million. Barr said the immigration laws needed to be changed, adding that migrants were exploiting the country's asylum system.

"The President is right, until we can do that, we simply can not get control," Barr said.

He also claimed that "we need a barrier system across the border," which implies President Trump's Border Wall.

Resumption of the confirmation hearing

The hearing of Mr. Barr is reconvened shortly before 12:20 pm. Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse resumed Barr's interrogation.

Hearing suspended until 12:15 pm

Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Lindsey Graham announced that the hearing would be suspended until 12:15 pm

Lee sends Barr on Barr confiscation

Sen. Mike Lee, a Republican, often with a libertarian mind, spoke about the Department of Justice's rules on confiscation of assets. The confiscation of civil assets allows certain law enforcement officials to seize objects suspected of being linked to a crime without charge.

million. Barr understands that confiscation of assets involves incentives that "should be of concern". But he also suggested that confiscation of assets can be a valuable tool. Barr is committed to reviewing how the Department of Justice addresses confiscation of assets.

The former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in 2017, said he liked the confiscation of assets and announced the program reforms of the Obama era. ] Durbin emphasized the approach he had taken against convictions after the enactment of the First Step Criminal Justice Act.

In the 1990s, Barr imposed heavy sentences, whereas, according to him, the sentences were much lighter than today. . Barr confirmed that he was determined to consider sentencing issues.

Barr: "I'm not going to be bullied"

Sen. Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, explained to Barr why he wanted this job. When, asked Durbin, this would be the moment "Mattis", referring to the former Secretary of Defense who had left the administration disagree with Mr. Trump.

million. Barr replied that, if he was maybe 45 or 50 years old, the turnover of the administration. could give him "break". But now he's 68 and he's at a point in his life where he will not be "bullied" by anyone – not the editorial boards, the president or anyone else, he said.

"I will not do it."

Mr. Barr believes that restoring public confidence in the GM is "essential"

Senator John Cornyn of the GOP asked Mr. Barr when he felt that it was necessary to reassure the public about the independence of the FBI and the Department of Justice, particularly in light of the controversy surrounding the dismissal of former FBI director James Comey. 19659003] "It is essential, and that's one of the reasons I'm here, to help in this process," Barr said about restoring confidence in the world. 19659014] Senators ask if Trump can build the wall without Congress

Senators asked Barr when he thought that Mr. Trump could build the border wall without specific Congressional appropriations. Senator Patrick Leahy asked if Mr. Trump could build his border wall and do it with an eminent domain. Senator Lindsey Graham asked if he thought the Pentagon could build the wall with its funds.

Barr had no answer. These are questions, he said, which the Office of the Legal Counsel will have to answer.

Barr says he will consult the deontology of the GM to decide whether to recuse himself, but he makes the final decision

Sen. Patrick Leahy urged Barr, asking him if he would recuse himself from the Mueller investigation or any other investigation if ethics officials would recommend it to him.

Barr replied that he would consult the DOJ officials. But he also insisted that the final decision went to him, not to those responsible.

"If this is confirmed, the President expects you to make his application," says Leahy

"If confirmed, the President goes away." Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy said to Barr that the president had ousted the two former FBI directors, James Comey, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Barr said that he had not discussed Mueller's investigation ". Dianne Feinstein asked Barr directly whether he had discussed the Mueller Inquiry with Mr. Trump or anyone at the White House.

"Uh, I discussed the Mueller inquiry but not in a particular substance, I can go through my conversations with you if you wish," Barr replied.

Feinstein stated that she might want to address this issue at a different time.

Barr stated that he would make public Mueller's findings in accordance with the rules of the special advocate [19659015] Senator Dianne Feinstein posed a number of positive or negative questions to Barr.

Feinstein asked if Barr would commit to making a Mueller report public.

"As I said in my statement I will provide as much information as possible in accordance with the rules and regulations that are part of the special advocates' settlement," replied Barr.

Feinstein also asked if Barr would pledge not to interfere as part of Mueller's investigation.

"The scope of the Special Advisor's investigation is defined by his charter and regulations and I will ensure that they are upheld," Barr replied.

Senator Dianne Feinstein informs Bill Barr of his commitment to the independent Mueller probe Conclusion

Graham says Barr is a "pager" type

Sen. Lindsey Graham gave unsolicited advice to Barr, who submitted a long note to the Department of Justice about Mueller. Graham pointed out that Mr. Trump was more like a "pager".

Graham asked Barr if he thought Mr. Trump was a guy "a pager".

"Excuse me?"

Graham again answers the question of whether Barr thinks the president is a "one-page" guy.

Barr replies that he suspects it.

Graham says that Barr should be "remembered". ] Million. Trump is known for its ability to pay attention when it comes to long reports, preferring elements in the form of graphs, diagrams and other forms of easily digestible information. .

Graham discusses FBI investigations into Trump

Sen. Lindsey Graham then went on a series of questions expressing concern over the recent New York Times report that the FBI had opened a counterintelligence investigation of Trump following the dismissal of FBI director James. Comey.

Graham asked if the FBI had any control to ensure it should open all investigations. He also mentioned Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, the FBI leaders of the time who had sent anti-Trump text messages.

Barr: It is "vitally important" that Mueller could complete his investigation

M. Barr stated that he felt it was "vitally important" that special advocate Robert Mueller be able to complete his investigation.

million. Barr said to wait for the special advocate to continue his investigation. Mr. Barr, however, asserted at the same time that Mr. Trump was convinced that he was not involved in Russia's attempts to interfere in the 2016 investigation.

"The country needs a credible solution to these problems," Barr said, adding that will not let politics, personal interests or any other inappropriate interest interfere in the investigation.

"Under my leadership, Bob will be allowed to finish his job," said Barr.

Barr introduces his family and begins his testimony [19659015] Barr began by introducing his family. His three daughters are lawyers, working either on Capitol Hill or in the Department of Justice.

Barr then expresses his regret at having gone to Capitol Hill after the closure of much of the government

. there should be no political commitment in the Department of Justice. Americans should be able to trust that some areas of government are not involved in politics.

"If confirmed, I will serve with the same independence that I had in 1991," Barr said.

Orrin Hatch provides a testimony to the support. Barr Barr

Orrin Hatch, who himself chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee until last month, was a witness at first instance, congratulating his "vast" experience and judgment.

"Bill Barr was a lawyer," Hatch said in favor of Barr's candidacy.

Feinstein begins the audience by talking about women in the committee

Before embarking on reflections on the investigation in Russia, Senator Dianne Feinstein, the largest Democrat on the committee is recalled having watched the Anita Hill held hearings decades ago when Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court candidate, was accused of harassment by Hill. At the time, there were no women on the Senate Judiciary Committee

At Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings last year, Republicans had no women on the Senate Judiciary Committee while they were preparing Christine Blasey Ford. Republicans have since added two women to the committee – Senators Joni Ernst of Iowa and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee.

Lindsey Graham opens the hearing: "You will be challenged"

Sen. Lindsey Graham, the new chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, began the hearing by outlining some items on her agenda, as well as those of other members of the committee.

Some of these points include cybersecurity reforms, privacy protection on social media platforms and criminal justice reform, among others

He congratulated Barr's case, but said he "should" and "should" be challenged – especially for the unsolicited memo sent to the Justice Department that criticized Mueller's investigation. 19659003] "You will be challenged, you should be challenged, the memo will be talked about a lot, as it should," said Graham.

What are we waiting for to say Barr?

Barr's opening statement revealed some of the way he should testify on Tuesday. Given his past skepticism about Mueller's investigation, he should defend it. Democrats are always sure to ask him many questions about it.

"I think it is extremely important that the Special Council be allowed to complete its investigation," said Barr in his testimony.

CBS News correspondent Paula Reid reports that Barr has been studying every day since Mr. Trump appointed him to prepare for the confirmation of charges hearing. He worked closely with a group of lawyers from the Bureau of Legal Policy and, even though he had previously experienced it, he held a mock hearing.

How is the hearing held?

Senators on the committee will sit. have 10 minutes each to interview Barr, followed by another five-minute round of questions, for a total of 15 minutes each. The questions will alternate between Democratic senators and Republicans.

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