Only legislator to vote against the King resolution: "Do not deserve the paper on which it was written"


"It's not going far enough," CNN representative Erin Burnett told reporters on Tuesday, Democratic representative Bobby Rush of CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront."

The resolution was proposed after King, a Republican from Iowa, made racist comments in an article published last week by the New York Times where he seemed to lament that the term "white supremacist" was considered offensive.

The comments of the Congressman aroused the indignation of both parties. Republican party leader Kevin McCarthy of California announced Monday that King could not sit on any committee of this Congress.

Rush said the resolution, approved by 424-1, was "superficial" and "unimportant" to US citizens. He added that it "has become obsolete before the ink on the paper dries."

Rush told CNN that the resolution "failed" in that he thought the actions of the legislators should have been in response to King's comments. Rush presented his own censorship resolution, representing a stronger reprimand specifically centered on the Republican of Iowa.

Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, the third Democratic party in the House, who put forth the measure, told CNN's Anderson Cooper on "Anderson Cooper 360" that he had chosen to have members vote on the King's disapproval, as opposed to the stronger option.

"When you want Congress to act with overwhelming support, you are trying to get the language with which you feel people will be comfortable," he said. "We therefore wanted the House to express its disapproval of Mr. King (and) at the same time condemning white supremacy and white nationalism."

Clyburn added that "going further than this at this point" I thought that at one point I would not want to get the number of votes I wanted to see today. "

Rush told Burnett that he wanted House members to go further," repudiate, regurgitate, even censure Steve King. comments should not be taken seriously by this US Congress. "

King voted for the resolution and said in the House that he agreed with the wording", referring to the part condemning white supremacy and white nationalism. Asserting that his words were taken out of context.

Rush called King "unrepentant" and "racist", claiming he had "a legacy and a tradition in the vilest narrative." Americans' convictions. "Rush said that King was using" the official status of a congressman to spread in his vile and racist remarks. "

Congressman is increasingly in a hurry to resign, but Republicans are far from being united to ask him to resign.

On Monday, President Donald Trump said: "I did not follow him", questioned by reporters about King's comments. [19659003] Rush told CNN that he thought Trump was "of conc ert "with King and" very versed "in the racist antics of Steve King". He added that King "wrote the president's notebook on how a racist should really behave".

Rush says Trump "believes in Steve King, he honors Steve King, he imitates Steve King, he exalts Steve King."

CNN's Ashley Killough, Lauren Fox and Elizabeth Landers contributed to this report.

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