Hawaii Rep. Ed Case apologizes for his claim that he is "Asian stuck in a white body"


Ed Case, Democratic Representative of Hawaii, apologized on Wednesday for stating that he felt "like an Asian trapped in a white body", and his spokesman said asserted that he was simply referring to what his American-Japanese wife "sometimes says of him".

The case was commented on Tuesday night at a Washington reception referred to as "celebration of members of the 116th Congress of Americans of Asian and Pacific Island (API) origin", according to an article published on social media by Nicholas Wu. [19659005] The case of the 1st Congress District, mainly Asian, includes Honolulu and parts of Oahu.

In an email to the Washington Post, Case claimed that he was "extremely proud" and only wanted to highlight his legacy.

Many more from Hawaii who cherish our multicultural heritage, I have assimilated and lived the values ​​of our many cultures, "said Case. "That's who I am, not my specific ethnicity, and I think it makes me an effective advocate for national issues that affect our IPY community."

He continued, "I regret my remarks specific to the national IPY community on


Nestor Garcia, a spokesman for Case, told the Post that the representative was essentially communicating " what his American-Japanese wife sometimes says about him. "

Case was first elected to the House in 2002. He left his post in 2007 after the failure of his work. Senate candidacy.

Local media announced that Case had decided to end his political career in 2013, citing an email in which he had stated that he "would not" likely be part of of his post, but that he would rather occupy a position within the Outrigger Enterprises Group.

He defeated a large number of Democrats to win the first seat in the district and return to the House this year.

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