Trump Approval Rating is down, slipped with its base: NPR


President Trump's popularity rating is falling, largely because of cracks at the base.

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Win McNamee / Getty Images

President Trump's popularity rating is falling, largely because of cracks in his base.

Win McNamee / Getty Images

While the US government maintains the longest closure in its history, President Trump's approval rate is declining and his database is cracked. since one month. It is currently approved at 39%, 53 disapprove – a net change of 7 points from December when its rating was 42% approved, and 49% disapprove.

And the move came from within key parts from its base. It is:

  • Significantly down among men in the suburbs, with a net approval rate of 51 to 39 percent at a net negative percentage of 42 percent in favor and 48 percent in disapproval. This represents a net change of 18 percentage points;
  • On a 13-point net among white evangelicals, from 73% to 17% agrees to 66% to 23%;
  • Of less than 10 net points Republicans, from 90% to 7% agree to 83% to 10%;
  • decreasing among white men without a university degree, from 56% to 34% approved at 50% to 35%, a net decrease of 7 points

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"For the first time, we found a relatively consistent trend of showing traces of cracks in its base," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion poll . "I do not know if it's temporary – tied to the closure of the government – or to a larger problem that the president is experiencing."

The percentage of people who strongly disapprove of the work that the president performs is up to 45%. the highest for President Trump since December 2017.

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The headwinds of 2020

The President must also face headwinds for his reelection in 2020. Only 30% of registered voters said they would certainly vote for Trump in 2020, while 57% said they would certainly vote against against him

Only 76% of Trump supporters, 69% of Republicans and 58% of white evangelicals stated that they would certainly vote for him. Many, if not most, of them will likely vote for the president, but their weak support for reelection is a sign of vulnerability.

For contextual reasons, In 2010, when asked about President Barack Obama, only 36% said that They would certainly vote for him, while 48% said no. Obama won with 51% of the vote.

But more than half of Trump's voters have already stated that they would not vote for him, it's a tough reelection.

The president had his base and not much else, "said Miringoff," and when we turn to the elections … it comes in with a significant disadvantage. His re-election prospects would be definitively compromised at this stage. "[19659008] Trump has a lot of work to do to bring the coalition that narrowly voted for him to the Electoral College in 2016. He lost the popular vote of nearly 3 million votes and got only 46% He won by approximately 70,000 combined votes between Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, all states that moved away from the president during his first two years in power.

The Field of Democracy

Regarding Trump Former Vice President Joe Biden stands out from the other Democrats with regard to the feeling of Democratic voters towards him in relation to others.

Biden is the Candidate best-known potential democrat and he is much appreciated – 76% of Democrats and independents with a democratic tendency have a favorable impression of him.More 12% have a negative point of view.

"If he wins it, he automatically becomes the favorite with numbers like this," Miringoff said. "He becomes the candidate with which to enter and be competitive."

Barbara Carvalho, Returning Officer, added: "It is unusual to see a candidate who is part of the Washington scene, for so long you have such an unfavorable mark."

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Bernie Sanders, the main challenger of Hillary Clinton, candidate for 2016, is well known, but between one in three and one in four Democrats have a negative opinion of him. There is a lot of questioning about whether Sanders will be able to keep his grassroots activist base together, four years later, now that Democrats have many more choices.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has a favorability rating almost as high as that of Sanders, but is not considered negative. Others are also potentially well placed. New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, Texas Representative Beto O. Rourke and California Senator Kamala Harris are in the top group and have the ability to take flight if they make a good impression on when voters learn to know them.

The poll is not, however, good news for all potential Democratic candidates. The Democratic primary electorate does not seem ready for a billionaire. While the former mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, weighs for the least, Democrats are also divided, but about half of them have not yet pronounced themselves.

A big challenge for Trump? [1945]

The Ohio governments John Kasich and Mitt Romney are viewed more favorably than favorably by republicans and independents with Republican tendencies – view of 24% Kasich is favorable, 28% see it unfavorably. 29% consider Romney positively, while 48% think negatively.

Romney strongly criticized Trump, and the GOP's base does not seem to appreciate

" There is no solid support "for Trump's first challenge, Miringoff said. "Kasich is not very well known and Romney is not particularly popular."

Humor Compromise

While this closure continues, 59% say blame mainly President Trump or Republicans of Congress.

And more than 6 out of 10 people are in the mood to compromise – 63% said they want their elected representatives to compromise with people they do not agree with, instead to stick to their positions, including a majority of Republicans.

Strong Republicans (50%), African-Americans (51) Trump's Supporters ( 53%), Latinos (55%) and General X (56%) are among the least likely to say that they want their elected officials to compromise.

"People are looking for a fair compromise" now, "said Miringoff.

But neither side is seen to be doing a very good job at the present time – 57 % think Trump administration does too little to work with Democrats in Congress; 55% think Democrats do too little to work with the administration.

Neither one nor the other Another party does not make a very good impression either: only about a third of Americans have a positive view of Democrats in Congress (34%), while a majority (53%) disapprove of their work. ] Even lower numbers (29%) see Congressional Republicans in a positive light, and more of them consider them negative (58%).

The survey of 1,023 adults was conducted from January 10th to 13th by The Marist Poll for NPR and PBS NewsHour Results for All Americans They have a margin of error of +/- 3.8 percentage points. 324 republicans or independents with republican tendency were questioned. When they are referenced, the margin of error is +/- 6.8 percentage points. 417 Democrats and independent Democrats were interviewed. When they are referenced, the margin of error is +/- 6 percentage points.

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