White Shark & ​​Sweet Grandma & # 39; spot of divers off Hawaii | USA News


A huge white shark – considered one of the largest ever recorded – was sighted off the coast of Hawaii by divers who swam with the predator.

A six meter female shark bearing similar markings "Deep Blue", the largest recorded white shark, made a surprise appearance on Tuesday, joining other sharks feasting on the carcass of a sperm whale off Oahu.

"We saw some (tiger sharks) then she came and all the other sharks separated, and she started rubbing against the boat," said Ocean Ramsey, l & # 39; one of the divers, telling the extraordinary meeting with the Honolulu Star Adviser.

"She was just that big and nice giant who wanted to use our boat as a scratch post," added Ramsey, who swam with the shark all day and captured some great photos. "We went out at sunrise and stayed with us most of the day."

The shark is one of the largest ever recorded [@JuanSharks/@OceanRamsey/Juan Oliphant/ oneoceandiving.com via Reuters]

Ramsey stated that the animal, at least 50 years old and weighing about 2.5 tons, was "d & rdquo; Astonishing width ", about 2.4 meters wide, and could be pregnant.

Deep Blue, who owns his own Twitter account and was the subject of a documentary several years ago, had already been spotted around the island of Guadalupe off from Mexico.

Ramsey studies sharks, advocates for their conservation and organizes shark-free diving tours. She and her team observe and identify sharks and share them with their state and federal partners.

Hawaii's waters are generally too hot for tall whites compared to California's Pacific coast, where they feed on sea lions and elephant seals, Ramsey said. that the white giant could have gone to Hawaii because of hunger and a need for extra nutrients during pregnancy.

The Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources said in a statement on Wednesday that the rotting whale carcass that had attracted so many sharks had been towed after 24 km off a few days earlier.

The shark is more than 6 meters long and 2.4 meters wide [@JuanSharks/@OceanRamsey/JuanOliphant/oneoceandivingcomviaREUTERS

tiger sharks feed "almost continuously" from the whale and reported being aware pictures of the big white.

The Division's Conservation and Resource Application Chi agency Jason Redull advised people to stay out of the water around the dead whale.

"We do not want anyone to be hurt if a shark swimming around the carcass takes it for food." Of course, some people want to enter the water, either by fascination or to obtain photographs, but is really dangerous to be around this carcass with so much shark activity, "he said.

Sharks usually sting only when they are curious or confuse people with their natural prey but are unpredictable , said Ramsey.

"Large pregnant females (sharks) are actually the safest – the largest and oldest – they have seen everything, including us," said Ramsey . " That's why I call it somehow, a great shark. "

The Department of Natural Resources stated that people would have climbed over the whale's carcass and removed its teeth, which could constitute a violation of federal and federal laws.

stated that the carcass was currently moving away from the shoreline, but that a predicted wind shift could push it back to Oahu again 19659019]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n. callMethod?
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