Andrew Lunin replaced Real Madrid football


Madrid Real Madrid got into trouble with the goalkeepers on the eve of La Liga's match against Sevilla. Kaylor Navas, the second goalkeeper of the team, was injured and unable to attend the meeting.

Thus, in the cartridge "cream", only Tibo Courtois, recently recovered after an injury, remained. The third goalkeeper, Kiko Casillas, gave Real to Real, and the guardian of the Ukrainian national team, Andrei Lunin, refused to return to Leganes. According to AS

  Andriy Lunin

Andriy Lunin

After OBOZREVATEL, [3]. In the summer of 2018, Andriy Lunin signed a contract with Real Madrid. After arriving at the club of the capital, Tibo Courtois, the Ukrainian guardian went on rent in Leganes. Due to insufficient playing time, the club club was about to return to Lunin, but the goalkeeper of the Ukrainian national team decided to stay in the current club.

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