Microsoft will divide Cortana and search Windows 10 / News /


Microsoft makes important changes to Cortana's voice assistant for Windows 10. The software giant plans to split its own system search and Cortana into the Windows 10 taskbar. This will allow you to process requests individually by entering the text field in the search field for documents or files. ] This change will be implemented at the next major Windows upgrade scheduled for April (if nothing changes). After the update is released, voice search will no longer work with text – it will be separate programs.

According to Dona Sarkar, head of the Microsoft Insider program, this will make use of search assistants and voice assistants for third-party developers. In this case, they can simplify the work of the end users. On the other hand, the innovation considerably weakens the position of Cortana, since it was the intellectual research that was expected before. For the most part, it will only work with Microsoft To-Do, the long-planned integration.

Microsoft has improved the search for Windows 10 from the first version, displaying it as an Apple solution. However, at the same time, they wanted to introduce Cortana, which eventually turned out to be excessive. After all, the voice assistant can not yet be used for full-text input, launching all programs without exception, inclusion and exclusion of the PC. Moreover, Cortana still does not know the Russian language, which makes it unfit for use in Russia.

It remains to wait for the release of a new version to say up to how far the company has managed to achieve the design. Other innovations are planned in the April update, but there are not many new opportunities. It's basically an improvement of existing ideas.

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