Tesla's action after the Ilona Mask dismissal statement of more than 12%


  Tesla shares fell by 12% after the announcement of the dismissal mask.

Illustrative Picture (tesla.com)

Due to downsizing, Tesla titles are now worth just over $ 300

Tesla automakers fell by more than 12% after # 39, announcement of the founder of the company Ilona Maska about the reductions made in the state. RBC-Ukraine reported this information with reference to Nasdaq stock market data.

On Thursday, January 17, the auction price was closed at $ 347.31. On Friday, the value of Tesla shares on the stock market after the auction opened was $ 300. The cost has now reached a little over 304 USD.

<img alt = "Tesla shares fell 12% after the announcement of the staff reduction mask," height = "376" src = "http://www.rbc.ua/" width = "650" date Regarding the cuts in society, Ilon Mask said that Tesla had been swollen by the state and society. It is still necessary to increase the production of the Tesla Model 3.

The mask sent a letter to the staff saying: "Unfortunately, we have no choice but to reduce the number of Permanent employees of about 7%. "

"This is necessary to increase production volumes Tesla Model 3. The money is needed to improve the production process, which will sell the standard model 3 at a price of $ 35,000. unity, while preserving the cost-effectiveness of the company, "says the letter.

Mask said that in 2018, the company's workforce had risen by nearly a third, but more than the company could afford.

This message led to the fall of Tesla's shares.

Recall that in October 2018, the American producer Tesla electric vehicles made a profit for the first time in the third quarter of 2018.

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