The right-wing sector offered Lukashenko's assistance to the war with Russia


The right-wing Ukrainian organization is declared ready to support the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in case of military confrontation with Russia

The Ukrainian nationalists are convinced that, despite the flirtation with Russia, Lukashenka is the leader of the old hardening and will not yield to the sovereignty of his country. . They expressed this position in an official address on the site "Right Sector".

"The Right Sector"


"It was about the loss of the state of white Russia and the strengthening of the neo-Soviet horde, Lukashenko is far from being a Belarusian nationalist. red directors, that is to say that his motivation does not lie in the dedication of his country, but in the ideals of "party discipline." Lukashenka took charge of the management of the structure (the republic) – Lukashenko will assume a function at any cost, so that the subjectivity of Belarus concerns him, "- according to the ESI report.

However, the "good sector", stressed that the leader of Belarus began to succumb to impudent blackmail of the Kremlin regarding the economy and security. Nationalists are convinced that before Lukashenka, there is a choice: the path of state loss or the path of firm resistance that will begin with the dissolution of the Union Treaty with the Russia.

"In case of denunciation of the treaty of the Union by the Belarussian side, the" right sector "pledges to support Alexander Lukashenko in a conflict with the Kremlin, with all available methods to make pressure to obtain support in Belarus and, on the international scene, support Belarus as needed.As the Belarusians supported the Ukrainians in the national liberation war of Donbass, and sector of tion "is determined to help the Belarusian nation in his historical quest for independence Zhyte Byelorussia! "

According to information provided by OBOZREVATEL:

  • the December 28, the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order of creation Integration Group of Belarus and the Russian Federation

  • On December 30, the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin, for the New Year, declaring that the alliance of two peoples had occurred

  • in a New Year's speech, Lukashenka had ignored the theme of closer integration with Russia. citizens "is consolidated"

  • The editor of the radio station "Echo of Moscow", Alexei Venediktov, expressed the opinion that here three or four years, Russia and Belarus could actually become the only state. Thus, Minsk will pay to Moscow for certain preferences his own sovereignty.

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