Trump proposes a compromise on immigration to put an end to a partial halt; Cool dems to offer


President Trump, in a televised address to the White House on Saturday, proposed to the Democrats a compromise on immigration in order to end the partial closure of the government that has lasted for nearly a month – although some reputed democrats have rejected the olive branch by calling it "non-starter".

Trump announced that he was ready to support a three-year extension of the protections afforded to 700,000 immigrants illegally arrived in the country as children and protected from any expulsion measures under the terms deferred action for the arrest of the Obama era (DACA). This, in exchange for the $ 5.7 billion that he asked for a barrier on the southern border with Mexico.


"The walls are not immoral", he said, adding that a wall "will save many lives and prevent drugs from spilling into our country".

"This is not a concrete structure from one ocean to the other," he said in response to some concerns expressed previously about the so-called " Wall". "These are steel barriers located in high priority areas."

The proposed agreement would also extend protections to 300,000 beneficiaries of the temporary protection program (TPS), which protects immigrants from designated countries in conditions that prevent nationals from returning home safely.

"Our immigration system should be a source of pride and not shame, as it is the case all over the world," said Trump, before urging politicians to "take off their armor" and find solutions.

would allocate $ 800 million to drug detection technology to secure entry points, 2,750 new border officers and law enforcement professionals, and 75 new judges from the United States. immigration to reduce the huge backlog of asylum applications.


He stated that all his proposals had already been supported by Democrats.

He spent much of his speech talking about the dangers of an open border. er presented, describing a "very wide and open gateway for criminals and gang members to enter the United States". However, he also pointed to the possibility of a broader future immigration reform if his proposals were accepted by Congress.

"If we succeed in this effort, we will have the best chance of longstanding real bipartite immigration reform, and that will not stop here, it will continue until we do all this, "he said.

Government sources told Fox News before the announcement that the speech would form the basis of a new bill that he hopes to get before the Senate. The proposal is similar to a compromise proposed by Senator Lindsey Graham, RS.C., which would include three-year work permits for DACA recipients and an extension of the legal status of TPS holders, in exchange for financing the wall. . The proposal was described as "fantastic" in a tweet after the announcement.

"We will get there," he tweeted. Republicans in the House were to be notified of the proposal at a teleconference at 5 pm Eastern Time.

Majority of the Senate Chief Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., He congratulated Trump for his "bold solution" aimed at the reopening of the government.

"A compromise in a divided government means that not everyone can get everything he wants every time," McConnell said in a statement. "The President's proposal reflects this goal, it is a fair compromise, incorporating the priorities of both sides of the aisle."


Similarly, Senator Mitt Romney, R-Utah, expressed his support for the President's compromise plan, committing to the support via Twitter.

"@POTUS has submitted a reasonable and good faith proposal that will reopen the government and contribute to the security of the border, and I look forward to voting for it and will encourage my Republican and Democrat colleagues to do the same. Romney wrote.

But Trump's proposal was quickly rejected by Democrats. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announced that the proposed proposal included a "compilation of several previously rejected initiatives, each of which is unacceptable and in no way represents a bona fide effort to restore certainty. in the lives of people. "

" It is unlikely that any of these provisions alone will be adopted by the House and, taken as a whole, are ineffective ", she said in a statement. "On the one hand, this proposal does not include the permanent solution for the Dreamers and TPS beneficiaries that our country needs and that it supports."

The partial closure of the government, which has lasted for 29 days and has allowed hundreds of thousands of federal employees to be fired or to work without pay, is the result of the impossibility for Republicans and Democrats to hear about Trump's wall request. funding. Trump said he would not sign a bill to open the government unless that funding is provided, while Democrats refused to consider the figure of $ 5.7 billion, instead, providing $ 1.3 billion for general border security.

This week, both parties seem to be hardened in their positions. Trump canceled the military flight of a Democratic delegation to Afghanistan after House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked him to postpone his State of the Union speech earlier in the week. Saturday before the speech, Trump had described Pelosi as "controlled by the radical left".


Senate Democratic Whip, Dick Durbin, D- Ill., Also rejected the proposal before the announcement.

"First, President Trump and Majority Leader McConnell [Mitch] must open the government today. Secondly, I can not support the proposed offer as reported and I do not believe it can be passed by the Senate. Third, I am ready to sit at any time after the opening of the government and its work to resolve all outstanding issues, "he said in a statement.

Mr. Pelosi said the Democrats had the intention to adopt six bills next week and other bills to adopt the government, "so that we can fully negotiate on the border security proposals."


"The President must sign these bills to reopen the government immediately and stop holding the American people hostage with this senseless stop. Every day he prolongs this useless crisis. Coast guards, FBI agents, border patrol agents, TSA agents and hundreds of thousands of extra workers are forced to live without knowing how to feed their families or pay their bills, "she said.

John Roberts, Chad Pergram, Ben Florance and Jason Donner of Fox News contributed to this report. [ad_2]
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