Make America teenagers Great Again hats mocking a Native American elder at Lincoln Memorial


Videos of the showdown show a smiling young man in the red Make America Great Again hat standing directly in front of the man who was playing drums and singing. We could see other children laughing, jumping and making fun of the songs.

"I did not feel safe in this circle," said Kaya Taitano, a student from the University of the District of Columbia who participated in the march.

She told CNN that teens were chanting phrases like "Build the wall" and "Trump 2020".

Taitano said that the entire incident began when teenagers and four young African-Americans preached about the nearby Bible, began shouting and calling themselves names.

The situation became very intense, said Taitano, so Nathan Phillips, a former Omaha tribe, started playing his drum and singing what he was told to heal.

Phillips crossed the crowd and Taitano said things were starting to calm down until he reached the smiling boy in the video.

"This one child refused to move and he just had Nathan," she said.

Other boys were spinning around, she said. "They just surrounded him and they made fun of him and made fun of the song, we really did not know what was going on there."

Phillips is a veteran of Vietnam who claims to have served between 1972 and 1976. He is a former director of the Native Youth Alliance and is organizing an annual ceremony in honor of Native American veterans at the National Cemetery. ; Arlington.

"I was scared, I was worried about my young friends, I do not want to hurt anyone," said Phillips Sara Sidner of CNN. "I do not like the word" hate it. "I do not even like to say it, but it was an unbridled hate. It was like a storm."

The Crowd Growing up as Phillips and the boy stood face to face, Phillips did not stop singing and playing drums. 19659002] "What the young man did was blocking my escape, I wanted to leave, and I wondered," How can I get out of this? I want to get out of it, "Phillips said.

Taitano The clash continued until a chaperone came in and took the teens to look for a photo.

could see some boys wearing hoodies and jackets bearing the name Covington Catholic High School, a boys-only school in northern Kentucky.

According to the school's website, a group of 39 students had planned to attend the March for Life rally in Washington DC

The school is part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington, and in a statement given to WLWT, a CNN Spokesperson, CNN Spokesperson, CNSC spokesperson Keener said the diocese would investigate the incident and take action. [19659017] "We condemn the actions of students at the Catholic high school. Covington towards Nathan Phillips in particular, and Native Americans in general, the January 18 after the March for Life in Washington, DC. We offer our sincerest apologies to Mr. Phillips. This behavior is contrary to the teachings of the Church on the dignity and respect of the human person.

"The investigation is underway and we will take the necessary measures, including deportation.We know that this incident also tainted the witness as a whole. life and express our sincere apologies to all those who attended the march and all those who support the pro-life movement. "

CNN asked the school and the diocese for their comments.

Taitano, who comes from Guam, said she was raised to treat her elders with respect and that it hurt to see them treat Phillips so badly.

Phillips is also upset in a video that Taitano posted after the showdown. He wiped his tears as he spoke of the words "build this wall".

"I'd like to be able to see the energy of the young mass of young men for, you know, putting it in, you know, doing that you know," Phillips said.

Sara Sidner, Amanda Watts and Deanna Hackney, both of CNN, contributed to this report.

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