4 Border Activists Convicted of Entering Shelter for Helping Illegal Immigrants


Four women were found guilty Friday by a federal judge of illegally entering a national wildlife refuge near the US-Mexico border to leave food and water to illegal immigrants crossing the desert of Arizona.

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According to prosecutors, Natalie Hoffman would drive a vehicle inside La Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Area, in southwestern Arizona on August 13, 2017, leaving water jugs and jerry cans of one gallon, reported the reporter.

She was also charged with entering the shelter without a license. The other three women – Oona Holcomb, Madeline Huse and Zaachila Orozco-McCormick – were with Hoffman when they met an American officer from the Fish and Wildlife in the shelter.

They were found guilty of having entered the area without a permit and abandonment.


"The defendants did not get an access permit, they did not stay on the designated routes and they left water, food and crates in the shelter. In addition to breaking the law, it is detrimental to the national decision to maintain the Refuge in its pristine nature, "US judge Bernardo Velasco wrote in his online three-page order Friday afternoon.

Women are all face six months in prison for conviction for misdemeanor and a fine of $ 500. No date of conviction has been scheduled.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. [19659011] [ad_2]
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