Trump warns Nancy Pelosi to "pay attention" after the Democrats announced that they would not accept her offer to stop


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From Allan Smith

President Donald Trump bursts before Democrats – and Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi in particular – in a tweet on Sunday in which he seems to threaten to d & rsquo; Increase the deportations of undocumented immigrants living in the United States and defending his proposal to end the partial closure of the government.

This offer, presented by Trump on Saturday in a speech to the White House, provided for the protection of approximately 1 million immigrants against deportation in three years. $ 5.7 billion in funding for a wall along the southern border of the United States. Of these, 700,000 have been illegally brought into the country as children and remain protected by the DACA program (Deferred Action for Child Arrivals) and 300,000 have fled their country and risk the expiry of their "temporary protection status".

While Republicans praised this proposal and Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, pledged to submit it to a vote in the Senate this week. The Democrats rescinded the agreement because it did not guarantee the permanent protection of these two vulnerable populations and did not allow the creation of a border wall. In addition, some members of the far right complained that the agreement amounted to an "amnesty" for this million immigrants.

Pelosi said in a statement Saturday that the proposal was "a compilation of several previously-rejected initiatives, each of which is unacceptable and does not represent not a good faith effort to restore security in people's lives. "

" It is unlikely that any of these provisions alone will be adopted by the House. do not constitute a party, "she said. "On the one hand, this proposal does not include the permanent solution that our country needs and that it supports for GST dreamers and beneficiaries."

Nearly 800,000 federal workers are affected by the partial closure of the government, which has been going on for nearly a month. and is the longest in the history of the United States, many of them working without pay or having lost their jobs. Federal contractors, which are not part of this figure, are losing about $ 200 million a day.

Trump also tweeted about his next speech on the state of the Union, which Mr. Pelosi suggested he delay or submit to him in writing on the date agreed upon at the same time. origin next week.

After Pelosi sent a letter to Trump last week insisting that the delay be delayed, the president put an end to a military plane that was to bring with other members of Congress the visit of troops in Congress. Afghanistan. Trump said lawmakers should stay in Washington to negotiate the lifting of the government shutdown.

Sunday morning, Trump wrote: "Nancy, I still think about the State of the Union speech, there are so many options – including doing it according to your written offer (made when closing, security is not a problem), and my written acceptance.Although a contract is a contract, I will contact you soon! "[19659018] Allan Smith

Allan Smith is a political reporter for NBC News.

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