Why Donald Trump's Plan Will not End Government Closure


But as they vote on extremely different plans, this new phase of their confrontation is more likely to reveal the gap that separates them, rather than end soon the longest federal closure in history.

Trump Saturday was one of the most important in his history. For nearly a month, the US government remains in limbo by offering temporary protections to undocumented immigrants in return for a $ 5.7 billion financing for the construction of its wall .

According to Republicans, the White House's Trump speech is a political effort to follow. Democrats are halfway to end the partial closure of the government.

"It's a sensible compromise that both parties should adopt," Trump said.

But the plan, negotiated in the White House and between the Republicans, is likely to attract the support of Democrats because it does not meet their concerns. And Democrats insist that the government reopen its doors before the start of talks on thorny issues of immigration.

It is unlikely that Trump's proposal will put 800,000 federal workers back on the job because of a lack of paychecks. So the question is whether the president will do a better job of getting the democrats to blame him for the blockade.

Trump's approach is well known in many ways. Last month, the president triggered a crisis by shutting down the government in a last-ditch attempt to get taxpayers' money for a wall crucial for his political status and for which he had declared that Mexico would pay.

Then, as for other issues, like his trade war with his American allies, he proposes a plan to end a crisis that he has unleashed that does not completely solve the problem, but that He can sell at a price at which everyone should subscribe.

Trump certainly gave the impression of getting closer to the Democrats by offering a three-year stay of deportation for undocumented migrants brought to the United States as children and to protect thousands of Other migrants.

And by calling his wall "steel barriers in high priority places" of speech and not a concrete slab from one sea to another, the president also seems to soften his positions.

His plan allows a greater number of Republicans to argue that he is making an effort and that the Pelosi Democrats are opposed to its reopening. the government.

"I think the Speaker's ruling was bold," said Sunday representative Adam Kinzinger, a Republican from Illinois to CNN. "For the Democrats to reject it simply because there is a barrier – come back with a counter-proposal that is serious at that time, but not one that says it's a counter-proposal but in no way will we talk about a barrier. " [19659002]

Right Back

By even hinting at concessions, Trump angered far-right experts such as Ann Coulter, who ransacked her "amnesty" of in type of reaction which led him to go back.

Trump spent Sunday sending tweets to protect his right flank by refusing his plan, which would be tantamount to an amnesty for immigrants covered by the Deferred Action Plan for Child Arrivals.

pressure on Pelosi – insulting his hometown.

"Nancy Pelosi behaved so irrationally and went so far to the left that she officially became a radical democrat.She is so petrified by the 'leftists' that She's part of it that she lost c ontrol … And by the way, clean the streets of San Francisco, they are disgusting! "

Pelosi, in the last fight in their duel in power, which will define Washington for the next two years, tweeted to Trump, although she dismissed her insults, sign that Democrats still believe that they have the strongest position.

"@ realDonaldTrump, 800,000 Americans go without pay, reopen the government, let the workers get their paycheck, and then we can discuss how we can come together to protect the border." #EndTheShutdown "said the California Democrat on Twitter. .

She did not even wait for Trump's speech on Saturday to say it was a non-starter.

One of the reasons is that many recent polls accuse the public of being more blamed by Trump than by Democrats

Democrats view the Trump Plan as a top priority – the Wall – but do not call it "bad". offering that little in return. The wall would be permanent, while the protection of DACA recipients would be temporary and they could be held hostage.

And it is the president himself who has terminated DACA and a temporary protection status for some immigrants from other countries. He therefore proposes a short-term reprieve in a limbo that he himself has created. If the White House had offered permanent protection through citizenship, its offer would have seduced the Democrats – but it would have provoked a storm among Trump's grassroots voters.

"My counter-offer would be the one we put on the table a year ago and voted for, which protects all dreamers, protects the TPS status," said the Democratic senator and new candidate for the 2020 presidency, Kirsten Gillibrand, about "the state of the Union" on CNN

"We, Democrats, we care about the national security and borders Gillibrand said that" the state of the Union "on CNN

she would vote in favor of a comprehensive border security, but not of the Trump Wall, a distinction that could possibly be specified in any final agreement to give both parties the chance to declare their victory.

should Trump open the government before immigration negotiations can begin, or the fear is that he can use the same tactic to inflict a majority in the House in the future Democrats

on his promise of cons tremble the wall – even if it's a hollow version of its original vision.

Democrats also view the latest offer as a simple White House effort to lighten Trump's political burden.

"I think the Vice President and the President know that what the President announced yesterday would go nowhere," said California Democrat representative Adam Schiff in the show "Face the Nation "of CBS. "It was not our intention, I think it was an effort to maintain the number of weakened polls of the president, it did not bring us closer."

The Return of McConnell

The question that arises in the coming days is whether the Democrats can hold the political class higher. If voters are not fully aware of the intricacies of the closure, Trump will make an effort and begin to blame the president and his opponents more.

The closure policy could also be modified by the reappearance of the Senate. Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader, After Weeks of Unusual Invisibility

The Kentucky Republican is committed to presenting the Government's offer to the Senate this week, as well as others. incentives for moderate Democratic senators to break with the line of their party. [19659002] Phil Mattingly of CNN reported on Saturday that the package would include an extension of the Violence Against Women Act as well as the President's plan providing for hundreds of millions in humanitarian and drug detection technologies .

For Republicans in the Senate, Trump's proposal has the merit of allowing them to unite to open the government and could appease the concerns of some moderate members who fear the impact of the 2020 closure reelection elections.

Democrats will oppose the fact that the House has already voted in favor of reopening the government several times, but the Senate has refused to take any action that Trump would not sign.

Democratic House leaders are planning their own vote on a new plan this week to add another $ 1 billion for border security, not to mention the wall. Like Trump's plan, it is unlikely that he will end the closure but will help refute the claims that they are weak at the border.

As each House takes dual measures to end the closure and the President continues to behave, he will look like Washington again

But perhaps a period of legislative maneuver could possibly produce a slight overlap of the position of each party that could pave the way for Capitol Hill fudge which is usually the way the clashes end up government.

It may take some time, a fact that will not console federal workers who are victims of their own government.

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